High Dynamic Range images: part three / 6 comments + post
online tutorials
In this, the third part of our series on High Dynamic Range images, we will discuss how to use High Dynamic Range software to generate a pseudo-HDR image from a single original. We will then investigate how to tone map this image using Photomatix Pro.
In addition we will also discuss how to use Camera RAW (or other RAW processing software) to optimise your initial image prior to generating the pseudo-HDR image, how to minimise and remove noise from a tone mapped image, and how and when to blend an HDR image with a normal exposure.
comment by Justin Photis at 02:59 PM on 24 February, 2009
Another extremely detailed tutorial & commentary from you David. The examples you've used here are diverse and your explanations as detailed as always. It's clearly a subject you're learning along with the rest of us, but your results, as always, looks great and give us plenty to aim for. Thank you.
comment byCraig Judd at 11:14 AM on 26 February, 2009
Brilliant, I actually found out FINALLY how you do it. You gave away two secrets cunningly in this latest tutorial to the secret behind your shots. I don't know if I want to repeat them here in the comments, but thankyou thankyou. I've known you for six years or more through Chromasia, and I've wanted to find out the secret to your style. I think having used this fantastic technical tutorial you have finally given me the answer, just two clues, and a couple of lines, and WHAM, it worked for me. I'm just gonna say Luminosity, Red Channel, and a Blue Curve.....great fun. Brilliantly clear and conscise. Whens the next installment?!!!!
comment by rgroenke at 04:23 PM on 5 March, 2009
Love your tutorials. I like HDR in particular, although I don't use it much. It'd be nice to have a workflow for HDR images using FDRTools. The Interface is a lot different and it is a little confusing to me. But I can see FDRTools offers different ways to control de HDR creation process. This would be a great complement to this tutorial.
rgroenke: I do have an FDRTools one planned for some point in the future, not least because I've just been writing about it for my HDR book, but don't have a fixed date for publication yet. I will get around to it though.
In this, the third part of our series on High Dynamic Range images, we will discuss how to use High Dynamic Range software to generate a pseudo-HDR image from a single original. We will then investigate how to tone map this image using Photomatix Pro.
In addition we will also discuss how to use Camera RAW (or other RAW processing software) to optimise your initial image prior to generating the pseudo-HDR image, how to minimise and remove noise from a tone mapped image, and how and when to blend an HDR image with a normal exposure.
Another extremely detailed tutorial & commentary from you David. The examples you've used here are diverse and your explanations as detailed as always. It's clearly a subject you're learning along with the rest of us, but your results, as always, looks great and give us plenty to aim for. Thank you.
Brilliant, I actually found out FINALLY how you do it. You gave away two secrets cunningly in this latest tutorial to the secret behind your shots. I don't know if I want to repeat them here in the comments, but thankyou thankyou. I've known you for six years or more through Chromasia, and I've wanted to find out the secret to your style. I think having used this fantastic technical tutorial you have finally given me the answer, just two clues, and a couple of lines, and WHAM, it worked for me. I'm just gonna say Luminosity, Red Channel, and a Blue Curve.....great fun. Brilliantly clear and conscise. Whens the next installment?!!!!
Love your tutorials. I like HDR in particular, although I don't use it much. It'd be nice to have a workflow for HDR images using FDRTools. The Interface is a lot different and it is a little confusing to me. But I can see FDRTools offers different ways to control de HDR creation process. This would be a great complement to this tutorial.
Justin and Craig: thanks
rgroenke: I do have an FDRTools one planned for some point in the future, not least because I've just been writing about it for my HDR book, but don't have a fixed date for publication yet. I will get around to it though.
Dave love your tutorials produce this image at:
As a direct response to your tutorials. Thank you:)
Simon: that's a great shot - well done :)