Creative Workflow #5 / 12 comments + post
online tutorials

In this series of tutorials we take the creative process as our primary focus; i.e. rather than just discussing ‘how’ an image was constructed, we will also be considering ‘why’ each change was made, and how each change contributes to the image as a whole. As with our other image-based tutorials, each will also include a thorough technical discussion of any tools or techniques that were employed, but the emphasis will be upon creative rather than technical outcomes – e.g. how each image was constructed to tell a particular story, what each image says about its subject, and so on.


oldest comments first
comment by Matteo at 08:27 AM on 23 December, 2010

Just in time for Christmas' holydays, can't wait to watch this!

comment by simon jenkins at 04:12 PM on 23 December, 2010

Excellent, really enjoyed this one probably the most so far, have never used the guide on the horizons in that way and the toning of the top part of the sky was a great tip for a problem I often come across. Full Marks for this ;)

comment by Martin at 04:22 PM on 23 December, 2010

This offering is wonderful. It's exactly what's needed for those of us with some photoshop chops already, who want to see how you use the tool, rather than learning the tool. I got a lot out of this, and look forward to more. Thank you!

comment by Ron Landis at 09:34 PM on 23 December, 2010

Love the video feature. Must be my right brain tendency and visual preference that makes video explanations an easier manner for me to learn. So much more dynamic than reading and re-reading until it sinks into my addled mind. Despite the sub-freezing temperatures along the Connecticut coast, I'm off to the shore tomorrow morning to capture images to which I can apply this technique. Good chance to try out my new Miller Mitts too, :-)

comment by Jim Miller at 12:24 AM on 24 December, 2010

Excellent. I learn so much better by watching the video and listening to the thought process. I think all your tutorial should be video based. My favorite so far!

comment by djn1 at 06:20 AM on 24 December, 2010

Thanks everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Jim: the vast majority of the tutorials we have planned (or part-planned) for 2011 will be video based as a) it's a format that a lot of you seem to prefer, and b) a method of delivery that I'm now a lot more comfortable with. So watch this space :)

comment by Jan at 04:49 PM on 25 December, 2010

"Clean-Cut" tutorial = 5 Kudos !!!

comment by Richard Webb at 04:29 PM on 27 December, 2010

many thanks for this video tutorial
its much easier to follow along with, and make adjustments to my own photos at the same time. looking forward to more video tutorials as you have stated throughout 2011

comment by Florian at 04:26 PM on 29 December, 2010

Thanks so much for this tutorial, I think I learnt more from it than from any of your previous tutorials. The way in which you prepared the curves layers made a real breakthrough for me. Thank you.

comment by April Pinsonneault at 04:14 AM on 17 January, 2011

Watching you work is so humbling. I am so far behind. This video is a good refresher on how many questions I have about photoshop. Must go back to the beginning. Don't be confused by my complaints; I really enjoyed this and picked up a few good things I can apply right away :) And there is quite a lot of aesthetic training in here which is really wonderful. This image is beautiful. I like version 2 better but you pointed out that the sea has more detail in version 1---and so the combination would be great!

comment by Alexis at 08:09 PM on 4 February, 2011

I had this in my to-do list for almost two months now. Very glad I didn't delete it. Very good tutorial. As usual I especially enjoyed -- and found instructive -- your surprise at the end when you compared the new and the old edits. Thank a lot!

comment by badrS at 09:20 AM on 18 August, 2011

I found the creative reasoning behind each adjustment very insightful and the approach of dividing an image into segments facilitates the decision making process. An eye opener for me was the way masking was used (especially when applied on the sandy foreground). On the whole an excellent tutorial.