All the entries on chromasia are placed into one of seven primary categories: six to reflect the aspect ratio of the image, and the seventh to indicate that an image isn’t available as a print. Additionally, each photograph may be assigned to one of more additional categories or subcategories, e.g. my travel category, children category, and so on.
This category is part of an ongoing project chronicling some of the social, cultural and material changes taking place in Blackpool in the early 21st Century, especially those aspects of the past that such changes overwrite.

When I first started adding images to a blog, back in the summer of 2003, I had no idea about photoblogs, but I soon started to come across them. One of the first I found, and still visit, is Daily Dose of Imagery, Sam Javanrouh's visual diary of Toronto (and occasional trips elsewhere). As best I can tell he's posted an image a day since he started posting on 4th July in 2003 – which is better than I've managed – and I now feel as though I know Toronto, at least partially, despite never having visited.
Anyway, my reason for mentioning Sam is that I often think I should do more to chronicle my own town – Blackpool is a wonderfully diverse environment – and I often choose to photograph the sea, odds things washed up on the beach, and any number of other topics other than the town itself.
So, with a nod to Sam, here's today's offering – the glitzy frontage of the Happy Dayz Arcade in Blackpool, against the backdrop of the seemingly derelict building it inhabits.
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11.55am on 1/4/08 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 46mm f/8.0 1/400 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW DX0 Optics Pro 2x1 & perspective corrected |
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• 2x1 + future history + urban |

I'm not too sure that this visual joke will work for everyone, but it made me smile :-)
And if you're interested, the original is here:
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1.09pm on 26/1/08 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 70mm f/5.6 1/85 aperture priority +1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW DxO Optics Pro minor |
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• 3x2 + future history + urban |

I'm having real trouble taking a decent photograph at the moment so have been archive raiding again, though this time I'm posting something a bit more recent than the last two I put up. I took this one about a year ago, in the derelict Flamingo nightclub, facing 180° to this one.
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1.17pm on 9/11/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 22mm (35mm equiv.) f/4.5 30s aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |
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• 3x2 + future history |

This shot was taken almost a year ago (as part of this set). I was looking through some old shots today and Libby said "ooh, I like that one", so, as I don't have much of anything else to put up at the moment, I thought I'd post I'd do some more work on it and put it up.
One of the things I was thinking about whilst writing my latest tutorial (Toning colour images) was the nature of colour film: particularly, the unique character of different films and how they compare to digital images (which, straight out of the camera, are somewhat lacking in character). The examples I used to illustrate this were constructed with Exposure 2, a Photoshop plugin which can emulate various print and slide films. This isn't something I use on a regular basis, but it was useful for the tutorial, and it did get me thinking about the nature of digital images.
One other aspect of traditional film that Exposure 2 can emulate is grain. Normally, I wouldn't consider adding grain, but I thought it worked for this one – it seems to add a certain ‘grittiness’ that was lacking in the original.
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11.25am on 9/11/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40mm f/4L USM 17mm f/11.0 0.6s aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |
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• 3x2 + future history |

This was taken at the same time as this one, in the office of an abandoned wallpaper and decorating shop, but I didn't post it at the time as I was fairly sure it probably wouldn't get an especially great reception. I've come back to it though, on numerous occasions, because there's something about the various stories that it tells that appeal to me. It's success though, or lack of it, depends on whether any of these stories are evident to you. Let me know.
Update: apologies for the lack of updates, but I don't have any new material to put up. All being well I'll post something on Monday or Tuesday.
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10.29am on 20/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 34mm (54mm equiv.) f/4.5 1/30 aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |
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• 3x2 + future history |

You'll probably be pleased to hear that despite having quite a few more shots of dereliction and decay that I could put up, I'm going to try and shoot something different tomorrow, as I sense that you're all getting a bit bored with the current theme ;-)
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12.38pm on 9/11/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 17mm (27mm equiv.) f/6.3 30s aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor rotation |
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• 3x2 + future history |

This is part of an old panel in an even older fire, taken in the now part-derelict Flamingo pub adjacent to the Flamingo nightclub that has appeared in recent shots. Hopefully it will be slightly better received than yesterday's effort ;-)
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11.12 on 9/11/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 40mm (64mm equiv.) f/8.0 3.2s aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |
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• 3x2 + future history |

Here's another piece of detritus from the Flamingo night-club: another fragment of charred and discarded history; another echo from a different time. And don't worry, I don't expect it to be especially well received ;-)
Fingers crossed, normal transmission will be resumed shortly.
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10.33am on 9/11/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 33mm (53mm equiv.) f/8.0 0.6s aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 1x1 |
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• 1x1 + future history + urban |

If past experience is anything to go by this probably wont be one of your favourites, but I am drawn to this type of shot.
Oh, and this one definitely looks best with the black theme.
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10.32am on 9/11/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 40mm (64mm equiv.) f/8.0 2s aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |
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• 3x2 + future history + urban |

I spent some time in the Flamingo nightclub again today, and will be posting some more of the shots over the next few days. If you're interested, the ones I've shot previously are here.
As always, I'd be interested to hear what you think.
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2.14pm on 9/11/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 20mm (32mm equiv.) f/8.0 15s aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |
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• 3x2 + future history |

I was going to put up a couple of related shots this evening, both taken in the Flamingo (the nightclub in yesterday's shot), but I'm totally bushed and just don't have the energy to finish processing them. So, instead, here's another one from Collins DIY shop – a rather ancient accident book that looked as though it had been hung on the wall several decades ago and not touched since.
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3.48pm on 20/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 40mm (64mm equiv.) f/8.0 0.4s aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor rotation |
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• 3x2 + future history |

I know I said that I had two more shots that I was going to put up from Collins (the part-derelict DIY shop where the last two were taken) but I've decided to hang onto them, mostly because they're definitely worth including in the project, but not so great for a picture-a-day photoblog.
Instead, here's one that was taken on the same trip, but this one is from the top floor of what was the Flamingo nightclub. I have a couple more from the same building but as they're quite similar I'll probably put them both up tomorrow, either as consecutive entries, or as a pair.
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2.26pm on 20/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 17mm (27mm equiv.) f/8.0 2s aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor rotation |
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• 3x2 + future history |

This current set of shots made me realise something about most of my recent photography, not in terms of content, but in terms of the circumstances under which they are shot. A lot of the stuff that I post is shot under flat light, of one sort or another – dull days on the beach, portraits with bounced fill-flash, and so on. All these recent shots though were taken under quite different conditions. All were quite dimly lit – this one, for example, was a six second exposure – but in each case the light was directional (albeit diffuse). In this sense the light becomes much more crucial to the photograph in that it becomes a component of the scene rather than just a source of illumination. That sounds pretentious, and I could probably have put it better, but what I guess I'm trying to say is that it was a good experience to spend some time shooting under different conditions.
Oh, and I couldn't think of a title for this one either.
Update: I'll reply to individual comments later on today, but in the meanwhile I wanted to say something about an issue that some of your have raised: i.e. was this staged? Yes, and no. I did move the tray, but only by a few inches to centralise it on the tiles. Had I not done so, in my opinion at least, the shot wouldn't have worked. Arguably, as quite a few of you have assumed that this is a contrived shot, it doesn't work like this either; but it seemed like a good idea at the time :-)
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10.58pm on 20/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 32mm (51mm equiv.) f/8.0 6s aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |
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• 3x2 + future history |

I did think that I ought to be able to come up with a clever title for this one, but I really couldn't think of anything, so if you do have any suggestions please let me know.
Anyway, this is the first of four shots taken in Collins, a former DIY and wallpaper shop, one of the various empty properties I mentioned the other day.
Of the ten shots in this small series, this and tomorrow's are my favourites so I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on both.
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10.53pm on 20/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 35mm (56mm equiv.) f/8.0 0.6s aperture priority -2/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 1x1 |
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• 1x1 + future history |

This is one of the houses on Buchannan Street that's scheduled for demolition at some point in the reasonably near future, and beyond that I don't have much to say about this one, other than that I think, in some ways at least, it tells its own story.
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11.59pm on 20/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 17mm (27mm equiv.) f/8.0 1s aperture priority -2/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro perspective corrected |
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• 3x2 + future history |

This is the first of nine further shots taken during our trip to visit various semi-derelict and boarded up properties in the northern area of Blackpool: The Flying Handbag (a former pub), The Flamingo (a nightclub), Collins (which sold paint, wallpaper, and so on), and a number of private houses. This is the second shot taken in one of the houses; tomorrow's is from a different house, the four after that are from Collins, and the remaining three are from The Flamingo.
Initially, I'd placed this one in my reserve pile (the one I visit before raiding the archive for stuff I've previously rejected), but Libby said I should put it up because it seemed so British ... which got me thinking. Has Spam managed to invade the rest of the world as thoroughly as it once dominated Great Britain? When I was at school in the 70's, the most vile lunch we could possibly be served consisted of spam fritters: reconstituted pork and ham served in a luke warm and greasy batter. The thought of their glistening and greasy pinkness can still turn my stomach over 30 years later.
So, have the rest of you come across this culinary delight?
Oh, and photographically speaking this is probably my least favourite of the next nine shots, but watch out for the one I'm putting up next Thursday as Libby says it's one of the worst shots I've put up in ages. Personally, I quite like it, but for reasons other than its visual appeal.
And finally: I used to update chromasia at around 9.00pm GMT, but the last few weeks my posting times have been all over the place. For the next nine days chromasia will update at 9.00pm GMT, that's 8.00pm British Summer Time.
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12.41pm on 20/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 36mm (58mm equiv.) f/6.3 1.3s aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |
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• 3x2 + future history |

In the description for this entry I mentioned that we were currently undertaking a long-term project to document the social, cultural and material changes that will take place in Blackpool over the next few years. This shot is part of that project.
Today, Libby and I (and an MA photography student from our local photography college) took a preliminary trip around some of the boarded up buildings that will eventually be demolished when the Talbot Gateway is built. The trip was arranged/coordinated by Damian Masters from GVA Grimley, Martin Turley from Blackpool Council and Kate Staley from ReBlackpool. Thanks.
During the day we visited The Flying Handbag (a former pub), The Flamingo (a nightclub), Collins (which sold paint, wallpaper, and so on), and a number of private houses. Hopefully we'll be able to go back to all of these locations
This shot was taken in one of the private houses which looked as though squatters had lived there for a while. In the room where this was taken there were various tins of food – some full, some empty – a sleeping bag, some spectacles, a pair of trainers, three or four cassette tapes, and various other abandoned items. The one that caught my eye though was the letter in the left frame of this image.
For me, it seemed incongruous. I don't know what I expected to read, but, in the context of the abandonment and decay that surrounded it, it seemed almost infinitely sad. I've included the text below.
Dear George.
Do you know when I said we could have sex I don't think Im ready for that.
So instead if Im stopping at yours all I would like is for us just to cuddle each other.
Cause when we do make love I won't it to be special I won't to feel the mood so what I would like is candles. But you can make me and you something to eat then after tea we can retire to the bedroom thats were we can cuddle up together and you never know we could end up making love. I wouldn't won't to come to yours tomorrow night. I don't make make a habbit of sleeping with men on the first date but for some reason I won't to make love to you. And we can eat strawberrys cause that is what couples do they feed each other strawberrys its supposed to make you randy. But when I do come I might be to shy to make love to you.
Can we go places cause he never took me anywhere. If you don't won't me to come tomorrow let me know. Im romantic are you?
I would like chocolates sometimes. Id like to go to town with you and mcdonalds sometimes. If you won't me to come tomoz I will do. I really hope you feel the same as I do.
write back
keep smiling
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• 1x1 + future history |

Over the next few years the area in which we live will probably see quite a few changes. I think I've previously mentioned the multi-million pound plans to regenerate the seafront, but I don't think I've talked about the Talbot Gateway. The Gateway will centre on Blackpool North, our local train station, which is currently functional and utilitarian, but not especially inviting. It will also encompass the bus station and multi-storey carpark, which do attract people, but you wouldn't want to bump into them on a dark night. When the Gateway is finished it should include a range of new buildings, gardens, walkways, and so on.
So, over the next few years, there will be a number of changes that affect our environment and I intend to chronicle some of the social, cultural and material changes that take place as the Gateway makes the transition from plan to actuality. This shot is a part of that series, not because of its location (though it's situated fairly close to the station), but because of the text; i.e. the Brunswick ward is one of the areas that will be directly affected by these plans.
Oh, and don't worry if I don't put anything up tomorrow night. At the moment, I don't have anything remotely worth posting. I am going to try a few shots this evening, and may have a bit of time tomorrow, but I'm out for most of tomorrow evening so may not manage to get anything up. If I don't, there will definitely be something on Saturday.
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5.18pm on 11/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 29mm (46mm equiv.) f/8.0 1/30 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro no |
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• 3x2 + future history |

I've walked past this sign on numerous occassions, and often wondered if anyone other than the clinically insane would be tempted to buy one, but as Harmony wandered past my office as she was getting ready for bed her only comment was "mmmm, donuts, can I have they ones?". Taste is clearly subjective ;-)
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4.57pm on 11/8/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 40mm (64mm equiv.) f/8.0 1/400 aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |
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• 3x2 + future history + urban |

If you read my description of yesterday's shot you may already have seen this image as I linked to it within that entry. If so, don't worry about it. The reason I put this one up though is because it's the one I should have posted in the first place, rather than the three images as separate entries. As I processed them, I guess it was this mode of presentation that I had in mind; i.e. alongside one another, and I should have just posted them that way and linked the larger entries from the description.
Anyway, all your comments over the last few days have given me a lot to think about in terms of both shooting and presenting series of related shots, and as this approach is definitely something I'm going to be doing more of I do realise that I need to think through how best to present them first.
So, I think we'll draw a line under these ones, borders and all ;-)