<<< o >>>winter landing #3 60 comments + add yours

First of all, thanks for all the great comments on yesterday's shot – as I write this it's my 11th most commented entry. Admittedly, loads of them were written by me, but it's still not bad ;-)

Anyway, here's the last in this short series and I really can't decide between this one and yesterday's. That said, if I had to choose one of them I guess it might be yesterday's. Oh, I don't know – you tell me.

One interesting point, that I nearly forgot about: the bright lines on the horizon (towards the left-edge of the image, and from the right edge to around a quarter of the way in) are boat trails; i.e. boats moving along the horizon during this eight minute exposure.

On a related note: I bought one of those little spirit levels that you attach to the flash hot-shoe of your camera the other day and I have to say that it was brilliant for night photography. Under normal circumstances getting the horizon level at night – i.e. when you probably can't see it – is a bit of a hit or miss affair. The spirit level, which was only a few pounds, has already saved me loads of time and effort and I definitely recommend you get one if you're going to do any night shooting.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
9.22pm on 12/12/05
Canon 20D
EF 17-40 f/4L USM
17mm (27mm equiv.)
8m 0s
C1 Pro
2x1 + piers [Fleetwood] + night shots [long exposures] + fylde coast [scenic]
comment by Dave at 05:44 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Fantastic series! I would have to say that the second image is the one that does it for me. There is an inviting warmth, that keeps me coming back to it. Great work!

comment by SB at 05:53 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

As usual your skills both with the camera and photoshop leave me in awe.

Out of the three in this series I agree with Dave, I prefer the second shot. It does convey a sense of warmth and the colours are also easier on my eyes, although in saying that I find myself drawn in to the brilliant greens of the sea in this shot, and the sky blues are also growing on me the more i look at them.

I think the larger expanse of beach in this shot is less appealing to me, although I am not saying its a bad thing.....I guess its because to me the stones look quite bland in comparison to the brilliant colours in the rest of the picture. Now maybe if you coloured a few of them ;)

comment by flying cow at 05:57 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

i love these shots....... magical!
this one is better than yesterdays although i cant decide between this one and the blueish one

comment by SteveO at 06:05 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

This is really nice, although i prefer the colours of yesterdays. This composition with yesterdays colours would be ace.

comment by Sean at 06:05 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Hi Dave,
My first ever post on this, or any blogg site, but have been observing for many months.
As always, a beautifully produced image. I prefer the other 2 in this series. I believe its because the other two had secondary points of interest besides the pier itself (the red/yellow barrier and the lighthouse beam). The content of this one, in comparison, is a little 'plain' I think.
My eye is drawn to the darker area of pilar reflection on the right side of the pier. It would be interesting, if not a little more abstract, to see this area (including bebbles) in more detail !?
I always view your images with the most suitable background skin. The black works really well for this series.

comment by matthew at 06:12 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

you really inspire me. ive been going out trying to do night shots now, but of course they never turn out like this. really amazing stuff here.

comment by John Washington at 06:14 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Great series Dave. This is my favourite mainly because I think the Post processing is much more subtle. As always though your attention to detail is great.

comment by dan culberson at 06:16 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

I think all three of these on the walls of a room would be the best way to enjoy them. Be a great series for a boardroom or office.

... and that way I don't need to pick a favorite.

comment by Pete W at 06:24 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Great series! I have to say I like the overall look and feel of this picture over the others. Good job.

comment by stephanie at 06:32 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

I really like the first one and I really like this one. I think maybe the colors in this one are a bit more intriguing than the other. I love the greens and the blues where in the first you only have the blues. This they are all VERY beautiful though!!!

comment by Fellow Eskimo at 07:00 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

I loved the series also, although I have to admit I liked yesterdays much better! You choose a good week to take night shots, Meteor shower week, one of the (if not the) busiest of the year. I love the colors of yesterdays shot more than I like these...but maybe its just my facination with purple. Actually, on second look...I like the other picture because of the different prespective on the peer, and the fading of the rocks in the water...

But this is still a great shot. Just a little 'bright' for a night shot. :)

comment by RustyJ at 07:01 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Oh Great...Just Great. I thought I had chosen the best but now....

The last 3 shots are all great. But I am really torn between the last two shots as my favourite.

I like the green and blue in this one and I love the 'green hue'(?) added to the rocks. The boat and star trails are a great addition to the photo as they add movement.

The whole pier seems to appear as if it is stuck in jello or pudding which doesn't move. The contrast between the movement (the trails) and the stillness (water appearing to have no movement) is incredible. In real life you expect the opposite, the water to show movement and the stars to be still.

I also like the fact the pier railing doesn't have the red/yellow to it. (How'd you do that?) I don't think I would have liked that at all.

I think I just might like this one better. Until I look at the second one...then...
Thanks Dave. Great shots.

comment by Jem at 07:18 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Another wonderful shot to add to the series - i'd have to say I prefer yesterdays, but my favourite colour is purple so that probably has something to do with it ;) I'd pay good money to have a triptych of these on my wall Dave :)

comment by Christoph at 07:19 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

i am really fascinated by these last shots, mainly because of the different colors used. it makes me wonder how the pictures would look, if you would "interchange" the overall colorscheme in the pictures. Would todays one look as good in purple too?

comment by owen at 07:19 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

The spirit level sounds great but then where do you attach your flash for these night shots ;)

I think I prefer yesterdays but only because of the long reflections in the sea. The difference in colour between the two is incredible.

comment by maiken at 08:00 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Great series!

I was particularly intrigued by your comment yesterday about how, if you can't see a scene properly in the first place, it becomes meaningless to talk about which post-processing interpretation is more "correct". I think we can all stand to remember that our eyes aren't perfect photodetectors, and the way humans register a scene isn't any more "real", or "correct", than other perspectives. For example, have you ever seen images of flowers' ultraviolet colorings, to get a sense of what the world looks like to a honey bee?

comment by miles at 08:10 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Nice one, I prefer this overall colour pallette.

comment by Lee at 08:19 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Such a fantastic series of exposure!! Thank you so much for the information about the spirit level. I'll have to pick one of those up along with a shutter remote.

comment by GP at 08:37 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Blue, pink and now green: very nice also the third one... but my favourite one is yesterday's shot... PINK RULES! :-) [amazing! the stripes are stars! thx!]

comment by Geoff at 09:13 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Nice series. They would make a great triptych.

My vote also goes to #2.

comment by peter at 09:32 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

It's a tough call. All three of your latest pictures have been excellent. If I were to pick a winner, I'd go for yesterday's pic. It has something to do with the pink - that is very much like the light shortly before sunrise - and especially the almost smokey quality of the water.

comment by Martin at 09:38 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Thank you for the tip with the spirit level... I had to google this cause my english is so bad... But :
Yesterdays shot is my favourit, cannot say why....

comment by Viking at 09:40 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Another great one. I like #2 the best, it felt the most surreal. And I find the boats distracting in this one. Nothing you can do about that though.

comment by Andy at 10:07 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Thanks for the new wallpaper! My goodness these are beautiful.

comment by Mark D at 10:14 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Although the pinkish color of yesterday's is quite attractive, I think I preper this one. The color is great, I love the rocks, and the stars (?). It has a very painterly feel. Lovely.

comment by Mark at 10:27 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Well...I said yesterday that the 3rd in the series would have to be really something to beat that one and do you know what....I think it does actually. Perhaps it's the increased transition from sea to sky, I don't know. This one just seems to draw me in more to be honest, whereas yesterday's smacked me straight in the face (as in stunning, not painful ;-).....) with its beauty of colour.

Hmm....it's a tough call Dave. :-)

By the way...ever considered writing a book on your photoshop techniques? Or would that be like a magician giving away his secrets? :-)

comment by Mystery Me at 10:38 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

It's a little unfair to choose one over the other - so I'm not going to. Such beautiful night shots and your PP work is stunning. The colour palettes for both are a joy to look at. Well done.

comment by djn1 at 10:59 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

I still can't decide whether I prefer this one to yesterday's, but I guess it doesn't much matter. For me, there's something more austere about this one – it's colder, and more alien – but yesterday's is, as a few of you have mentioned, a little more surreal. On which note, having done that "oops, I've drunk too much wine" thing, I'll shut up ;-) Oh, and I have absolutely nothing to put up tomorrow. Wish me luck between now and then.

comment by m at 11:13 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Yesterday. I prefer the colour. No other reason. Only took 20 seconds to choose.

comment by Partha at 11:19 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

I really like the treatment you've given it. I like both yesterdays and today, but if I have to pick one maybe yesterdays. The star trails are just amazing... they just flow with the image from left to right. Fantastic compostion.

comment by Kristyn at 11:34 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

Although yesterday's photo has a darkness to it, this one attracts me more. Maybe because it has the exact oppositve feel, I dont know. Great shot and horizon, I love hues like this.

comment by Budi Sukmana at 11:50 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

David, thanks for the Winter Landing series. All of them are great. But If I have to choose which one better according to me, I'll choose no. 2. But I like the 'dramatic' angle and the 'moving' star in no.1.

David, since I'm still an amateur and if you don't mind, could you share one of the original image (before post-processed) at this series? I just want to compare 'what a remarkable post-processing' you've done.

One more time, thanks. This series really inspired me :)

comment by dan simpson at 11:51 PM (GMT) on 14 December, 2005

i am a fan of the colors here. i also really enjoy the dimensions of this image... it's a little long, and i like that.

i'm sorry that this wont help you choose a definite winner, but i think i enjoy this one the most.

comment by Peg at 12:26 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

This one is my favorite, David. While they are all truly marvelous (I don't think I've ever seen you post a poor one), I prefer the color, the simplicity and the straightforwardness of this one. Plus - I am intrigued by the small aura of light off in the distance from the pier... my eye drifts toward it and wonders.

Your talents continue to amaze.

comment by Rob at 01:34 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

Very difficult choice, but I think I would chose this one David. Prefer the greens and blues since they appear a bit more "authentic", but really hard choice between these three. I LOVE THE BEACH! These are the shots that initially drew me to Chromasia, and keep me coming back.
My retinas thank you!

comment by nuno f at 03:56 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

The 3 photos are all very similar but at the same time very different. They are all fantastic, but in my opinion, the one from the middle is the most visualy attractive.

comment by Navin Harish at 07:25 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

Well, all three of them look good. I like the angle at which todays picture was shot and I like the sky in theimage posted a day before yesterday. If I have to choose one, I guess I'll go with the first one you p.sted

comment by Darrell at 07:40 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

A pierless series perhaps?

comment by Oriol at 07:52 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

I believe that there is an essential difference between the photo of yesterday and the one of today. Aside from the difference in the processing of the color, of course. And I believe that the difference is in the composition. Yesterday, urban or industrial elements were included in the photo, but in the today photo they do not appear. I believe that this fact gives to the photo "a much more natural" appearance. I saw an urban or industrial landscape yesterday. Today I see a river or a lake with a structure that enters him. I thought yesterday about an urban or industrial activity. Today I think about a strange structure within a natural landscape, an intruder, or perhaps a vestige of the past. I believe that even the color, more artificial yesterday and more natural today, contributes to this sensation.

I am sorry not to be more explicit. It is difficult to me to explain it, but the two last photos transmit very different sensations to me.

Thanks for the advice on spirit level. I will try it.


comment by ColinM at 08:26 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

We're voting for the first one, on composition and colour. The second and third aren't as stong and the colours don't save them. You've given us a lot of good, challenging work lately and the last couple now are slipping a bit towards the 'pretties'. We find the quirky and gritty work a lot more interesting, so more of that, please!
Colin & Linda

comment by flying cow at 08:31 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

come to think of it.......i LOVE this one......

comment by Dan at 10:44 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

This is definately my favourite. I like the crop, composition, colour palette, more than the other two, although the colours of #2 are very nice. I think the light trails add something extra to this one, that you don't normally see. You see now I want to go out and do some 'shots in the dark'.

comment by KJM at 11:10 AM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

I prefer both the composition and colour of yesterday's.

comment by Roy at 12:01 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

Impossible to choose a 'favourite' - and also no need to really as they are all very appealing. What I find interesting about this set is that it extends the dialogue about picture-making intent by showing your workflow both at the time of creation and in the post-processing - a bit like looking at a contact sheet in days gone by to see which frames had a chinagraph pencilled ring around them.

For the many that come to Chromasia to learn more about both approach and technique, this is valuable information - as would be a collection of all the RAW images you shot that night, so everyone could see how your previsualisation (and thence post-production) was far removed what what the camera sensor actually saw.

comment by maria at 02:08 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

Dave i prefer the second entry rather than this one. The water at the edge of the rocks looks very unreal...almost artificial
sorry but thats my opinion

comment by regularjoe at 03:23 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

As has been said, all three are exquisite. For a number of reasons.

What I find most interesting about this series is how it highlights they way digital processing has blurred the lines between design and photography. A lot of the decisions made in this series make them feel more like design pieces or even paintings rather than photos. I don't think I would feel that way had I only seen one piece rather than the series. For instance, I wouldn't know the rail was red and yellow.

It's not a bad thing. Just interesting. It would seems the photographer has more control over his viewers perception of a scene than ever before. Anyone else feel this way? Or am I just nuts?

comment by Peace at 03:43 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

Absolutely stunning!

comment by Darren at 04:09 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

Beautiful. I hope to try some night long explosures in the near future. If I get results even half as good as yours I'll be pleased (initially anyway). I'm sure there's a lot of skill and experience involved.

comment by tobias at 04:24 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

I favour the second as it is less bright than the other two. I feel if you are going to shoot night shots, it is good to convey this via the image. Otherwise it defeats he point of shooting by night, other than the star trails. I also like the hues in the second image. Todays, for me is a little oo stark. The first image at least had that beautifully coloured sky. I do love night photography though. Suberb hues achieved.

comment by Rob at 05:01 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

I prefer yesterday's shot. It's somehow more intimate in giving me a sense of standing there, and the motion blurred water really sets the mood.

comment by vanessa at 07:53 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

its really hard to choose now. but since i love blue, i'm going with this one. to me its more calm and easy on the eyes. but you made it a difficult choice for me. :P the details on the rocks are just amazing and the star trails in the sky adds more to this already amazing picture.

i love this series!

comment by istoica at 07:58 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

hi, we dont think we've ever commented here, but we've been coming back daily for a long time. we have to agree with 'Mystery Me' (who's photoblog we also like;) that it is just not fair to pick a favorite, each picture is extraordinary. what we really love is how you can get such different feelings from what seems to be the same night shoot. great job.

comment by djn1 at 08:35 PM (GMT) on 15 December, 2005

Thanks everyone, your comments are very much appreciated.

comment by TJ at 04:22 AM (GMT) on 16 December, 2005

For a moment I could not breathe. Absolutely stunning!

Thanks for sharing your photos David. My mind gets relaxed after a day's work everytime I visit your blog. :)


comment by Katie at 08:00 AM (GMT) on 16 December, 2005

My favorite of the set, by far, although I have enjoyed all three immensely. I was wondering though, how in the world you got the 20D to shoot for 8 min. I thought its max was 30 seconds. Maybe i'm missing something. Either way, extremely well done. Love the boat trails, thanks for pointing that out. And I do like how the stars are more visible in this shot than in the previous one.

comment by neowenyang at 03:57 PM (GMT) on 16 December, 2005

well done david. this one's more pleaasant than the last.. i like the colour better.

comment by Eterna Descontente at 02:30 AM (GMT) on 17 December, 2005

Beautiful photo...

comment by Eduardo at 12:38 AM (GMT) on 18 December, 2005

Disculpa, no soy tan bueno con el inglés y no deseo que una traducción rápida no exprese lo expectacular que me resultan esa imagen y en general las que he visto en su sitio. Me asombra la nitidez y la saturación de color que puede alcanzar una foto con esa captura... gran técnica....gran composición


comment by Stijn at 05:24 PM (GMT) on 4 January, 2006

waaww man an 8 min shot ... i just cant believe it woow i have to try that out too ... wonderfull serie man

comment by DedicatedRR at 08:40 PM (GMT) on 13 October, 2007

Pick one out of those amazing three...ouch, that's harsh. XP Well, I'm going to have to go with the second one the ONLY reason being that you can see more of the 'milky' water that I love so very much. ;)