<<< o >>>Happy New Year 29 comments + add yours

It's been ages since I posted anything – Christmas has come and gone, as has the new year – and I suspect that I wont be posting something every day for a little while yet because a) I've had one of those colds that leaves you feeling as though you've been run over by a steam-roller, and b) I have a busy few weeks at work coming up. As most of you know Libby and I are going to be running chromasia as a full-time venture from the end of January onwards, but until then I'll still be working at the University – mostly trying to catch up with all the things I should have done during the tail end of last year. Anyway, come January 31st, things should start to settle down and I should have plenty of material to post. I'll also have time to get on with the long-promised tutorials ;-)

As for this shot: it was taken this afternoon on Fleetwood beach: Rhowan is on the left, displaying her usual fearless approach to the world, and Harmony on the right, being just a little bit more cautious than her sister.

And finally: I'd like to wish you all a belated Happy New Year :-)

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
2.11pm on 3/1/07
Canon 20D
EF 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM
70mm (112mm equiv.)
aperture priority
C1 Pro
1x1 + children [portraits] + fylde coast [scenic]
comment by Jennifer at 07:58 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

He's back :-)

comment by Eric at 08:20 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Thanks for the updates. Looking forward to a great 2007.

comment by m at 08:40 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Happy new year to you guys too and I like it

comment by Felipe at 08:42 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Happy New Year Dave!
Delightful photograph Dave! I think your beach photos are some of your best! Well, I also love your street stuff! I appreciate the tips u gave me last year & am looking forward to your stuff this year! Best Wishes for Chromasia & the Fam!

PS: Looking forward to the tutorials!

comment by Jenny at 08:45 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Happy new year!

Lovely photo to welcome us with.

comment by Marius M at 08:50 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Nothing special, but color tones looks nice.

comment by Joseph at 09:07 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

nice to have you back dave, I like your picture, but I liked it more when I read the simple description.

comment by MikesRightBrain at 09:50 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

David, happy new year. Good luck getting all of your stuff done... this is a very happy picture and makes me smile!

comment by miklos at 10:33 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Happy new year

comment by Pete Carr at 10:43 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Happy New Year. Good luck with 2007. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Get well soon too :)

comment by McAWilliams at 10:47 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Welcome back man, good luck with the venture and all and happy new year to you and yours.

comment by m i k e b at 11:07 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

hope you feel better soon. wonderful image and interesting crop. i love the color tones as usual and especially how they work with the jackets.

comment by nferreira at 11:12 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Happy New Year and welcome back, David! :-)

It's always a pleasure to see your photos again, even if you don't post daily in the next days.

comment by Skenz at 11:42 PM (GMT) on 3 January, 2007

Welcome back, Dave!
I miss you!

comment by jezblog at 01:56 AM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

A simple moment and a very clean spacious composition combine into a lovely image. The tea leaves tell me 2007 is gonna be a year of drastic change for you dude good luck with it all! Cheers Jez XX

comment by P.J. at 06:29 AM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

An awesome image! Nice job!

comment by louise at 06:32 AM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

What a wonderful capture... such joy... :)
Happy New Year

comment by 西皮士 at 08:00 AM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

so cute

comment by mooch at 08:53 AM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

Happy New Year. Could almost be a clone image were it not for the enitrely different stances. I rather like it. Would a little less sky bring a little more intimacy? After all, it is a little drab and there does seem to be rather alot of it.

comment by Pop9 at 11:29 AM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

Here comes Chromasia back, at last :o)
This picture is a good one, as usual.
Happy new year and go on showing such pictures.

comment by Keith at 11:35 AM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

A really nice simple, but highly effective shot to kick off 2007 which I'm sure will be an incredible success for Chromasia.

Happy New Year,

comment by riesenriel at 12:03 PM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

Lovely and colourful picture. Wish you all the best with Chromasia and your family off course. This will be also the year of a new little Chromasia in the family ;-)

comment by Manuel W. at 12:41 PM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

Have you planned how Rhowan and Harmony should be dressed on this photo?
I like the saturation.

comment by cyril at 01:04 PM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

First I want to wish you a Happy New Year with all the happiness and health to your family.
Regarding the shot, I really like the mood and the colour but I think that the square format is not the one I would have chosen since the part of the sky is too important

comment by Alice at 01:45 PM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

Great photo. The girls' colorful sweaters add a lot to the photo. Have a great New Year and I look forward to seeing more of your excellent work!

comment by Jorge at 02:12 PM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

And now we can say the new year is here.

comment by Richard Trim at 07:11 PM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

I bet Harmony too , has her moments of adventurous daring!

Great shot to express their extrovert and introvert emotions at that moment in time ...

extrovert and introvert

comment by djn1 at 07:45 PM (GMT) on 4 January, 2007

Thanks everyone :-)

comment by Daniel at 10:43 AM (GMT) on 6 January, 2007

they're so lovely... hope you recover so far...