<<< o >>>untitled #60 26 comments + add yours

I haven't managed to get out over the last couple of days so have been sifting through various old shots. This one, taken back in the summer of 2006, has been edited time and time again, and I can never seem to get it looking quite right. I'm reasonably pleased with this version though but would be interested to hear what you think.

Oh, and I think this one definitely looks better with the black theme.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
1.01pm on 24/6/06
Canon 20D
EF 17-40 f/4L USM
17mm (28mm equiv.)
aperture priority
C1 Pro
comment by shooter at 07:40 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

The angle of view together with the splashes of orange really add impact, one of you better recent posts....

comment by Richard Trim at 07:43 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

Fascinating angle and the intensified colour on the planking creates a curious affect. richard

comment by joshua mahar at 07:46 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

I think that the perspective is wonderful, simply because it is so different. I also like the bright colors. One feature that is really catching is the texture of the water, I think that makes the image for me. Great stuff!

comment by Craig @ id7.co.uk at 07:55 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

I love this. It actually makes me dizzy when I look at it, I don't know if its because my mind is expecting to see the horizon, or whether its the ripples in the dark water, or whether its the contrast, but I like it for all of the above. Or maybe because if I had seen this image myself I could have shot it.... csj

comment by Jennifer at 08:31 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

Dunno why you've been sitting on this - it's fab!

comment by Tom at 08:34 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

This is a great one! The angle and the ripples on the water do it for me.

comment by Pierre at 08:41 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

A photo worth to work on for sure. The gradient of shades on the water is very nice. I find the wooden structure a bit too contrasty maybe.

comment by owen-b at 08:47 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

Really nice, this one - at first, in my newsreader, the thumbnail looked like a row of shop windows at an angle. I like the angle and I like the subtle texture of the water - I'm beginning to see the layers in your photos as I look at them more, now that I know more about your process, and I feel like I can see the mask on this one, especially around the tapered distant end, but it's probably an optical illusion. I like the lack of colour but the plentiful details in the colours that are there.

comment by Alice at 08:54 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

I like the angle on this. Makes for a really interesting shot. Well done.

comment by Eric at 09:44 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

Awesome perspective and composition.

comment by f. at 09:55 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

I shot a similar picture few weeks ago ;} Nice treatment

comment by Kevin H. Stecyk at 11:43 PM (GMT) on 9 January, 2008

Fantastic picture David!

I like how it grabs my attention and takes my eyes to the upper left rather than the traditional upper right. I find the orientation of the photograph adds a slight bit of tantalizing tension.

comment by Max at 01:25 AM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

I absolutely love this! The contrast on the boardwalk is great and the transition of the water from grey to black is perfect. This might actually be one of my favourites from you.
The only thing I wish though, is that you'd post the original like you've done in the past. I always have fun downloading it and trying to recreate what you've done in photoshop. It's like a puzzle. You have such an interesting style. But of course I understand not wanting to post an original :)

Looking forward to more!

comment by Dylan Tucker at 02:37 AM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

Nice shot! I really like the contrast, angle and perspective.

comment by Sharla at 02:56 AM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

Never looked quite right? I'm with Jennifer, why were you sitting on it? This harkens to the greats of c h r o m a s i a. Simple and complicated, subtle and strange. Love the gradient of light across the water and the velvety texture. All overlaid with bleached planks that look like the back of an artist's palette where the colors have bled through. It was an inspiration to have even considered shooting at this angle: the eye feels like it is on the Autobahn, straight ahead so fast you can't see it all.

comment by lightseeker at 08:05 AM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

I might be going against the flow here but I find the right to left flow of the image slightly uncomfortable and disconcerting. It might be worth looking at a flipped left to right alternative. The colours, textures and dark sea work very well.

comment by si at 08:10 AM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

It's so perfectly symmetrical on the diagonal. Was it composed that way or cropped? I like this very much. It would look good on a very large canvas wrap above my couch in the living room.

comment by Ronald at 01:03 PM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

A lovely diagonal .
Very contrasty and arty.
Abstract in a very interresting way!
The iron ring has got a kind of bluish aspect, giving a nice cachet to the whole picture.
I especially like the water rangeing from very dark on the right to the almost steel coloured rippels on the left upperside.

comment by Rich at 01:36 PM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

Fantastic shot (as always) - this one really grabbed my attention and compelled me to comment. From my reader it looked like a Leopard OSX Dock-esque string of thumbnails that I thought you had generated......looks like I was quite wrong but pleasantly surprised!

The angle really makes this one, bravo again.

comment by thomas mueller at 02:06 PM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

breathtaking one. the composition works very well and i like the different colours at the bar.

comment by Andreas at 05:05 PM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

great angel and realy great colors. i like the shot very much.

comment by djn1 at 06:50 PM (GMT) on 10 January, 2008

Thanks everyone.

Max: I have no objection to posting the originals, I just didn't get around to it with this one.

comment by Alex at 02:42 AM (GMT) on 11 January, 2008

Loving the angle.

comment by 24by36 at 03:15 AM (GMT) on 11 January, 2008

The colours are great here. The dark water and splashes of colour on the wood create an interesting contrast. But what really amazes me is that looking at this picture is actually making me dizzy. Any photo that can illicit that type of response must be doing something right. ;)

comment by Betsy Barron at 08:26 PM (GMT) on 12 January, 2008

I agree with Sharla above - funny that you would sit on this one, when it is so very obviously C h r o m a s i a at it's finest... gorgeous perspect. and comp. You are a master!!

comment by Bill at 07:24 PM (GMT) on 25 January, 2008

This photo breaks all the rules and that is why it is such a wonderful photo.