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This was taken at the end of last month and is a shot of Tabby of me in a hammock in a friend's garden. There are two things I like about this one: one, it's a fun shot, and two, her slightly false smile. She was enjoying swinging back and forth, but was also a little bit nervous about it too. And while the plaster on her forehead looks a bit incongruous, photographically speaking at least, I decided not to clone it out. She'd tripped over earlier that day, and slid along the pavement on her head, and insisted that we leave the plaster on her head.

In other news: it's just over two weeks since Libby headed back to the UK to have the baby (due 11th November), and about four and a half weeks until she gets back. She's doing fine, and the kids and I are surviving pretty well, but time is r e a l l y  b e g i n n i n g  t o  d r a g and I miss her :(

shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
6.26pm on 30/9/09
Ricoh GR Digital III
aperture priority
+1/3 (-2/3 FEC)
4x3 + children [portraits]
comment by Cesar at 06:57 AM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

I like this one, she looks a bit nervous (as you said) but at the end is confident. Otherwise she will request to get down inmeditalety.

comment by Nirudha at 07:01 AM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

This is such a great picture. It has a nice sense of space and depth!

comment by Mirko Herzner at 07:05 AM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

Actually it is the plaster that makes the shot for me here. Together with the false smile you mentioned it creates this feeling of "fun & risk" even better.

comment by Tony at 07:52 AM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

Love it. As I've said before, your kids are going to have such a great family album when they look back on all this when they're older.

This one has a bit of a Infrared feel to it.

oh, and best wishes with the old having another kid thing.

comment by DREAMS OF LIGHT at 08:24 AM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

very sweet smile.. lovely baby..

comment by Marisol Risakotta/ImgSensors at 08:43 AM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

It's a sweet, touching image and she's cute!
Love the processing too.

I hope upcoming weeks may go bye fast despite of the missing part and everything goes perfect with Libby and the baby.
Best wishes to all of you.

comment by Libby at 10:10 AM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

I love this photo, its so "tabby".
But I feel even more homesick now :-(

comment by Charleston Wedding Photographpers at 11:55 AM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

I like her smile too because it is timid, but her eyes don't match the timid smile for some reason. I also like how she is grabbing he sides of the hammock as that's the only sign that you and her where swinging... if you didn't tell us :)

comment by Dave at 12:45 PM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

What a magical photo. You can almost see the love in her eyes for you. I really like the colour of this, too. Terrific shot.

comment by Carlos Garcia at 12:56 PM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

What a delightful moment. I could look at those eyes all day. Great tones!


comment by Derek at 04:34 PM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

Oh I really love this shot, it's fun like you said. Just makes you happy when you look at it. Best wishes on the new addition on the way, and too photographing a new Nightengale.

comment by Michael Rawluk at 04:54 PM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

I am glad you didn't clone it out. It gives the look of a real childhood. Very nicely processed. She has a beautiful glow.

comment by Gary Eddleston at 05:20 PM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

To be fair to tabby, she already had one bump in the day and was probably enjoying the hammock but dreading swinging out!
Nice shot though and such a photogenic child - you lucky devil!

comment by Gail at 07:32 PM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

I am so glad you didn't clone out the bandage. It really makes the picture even more adorable. I need to get back on your site and start using the lifetime membership I set up for your tutorials. :)

By the way, I think you were following me on Twitter @Firefly65, but I have moved to @Dappled_Things so that my username reflects my domain name. If you care to follow me, that's where I'll be from now on. :)

comment by DavidC at 09:51 PM (GMT) on 26 October, 2009

Ok I think this image has an scary movie feel to it, I think the the forced smile and the fact that she is staring right into the camera, along with the cut on her head make this feel like a chucky movie. I think it fits the season though as Halloween is coming up really fast. I feel like she is a doll that has come to life.

comment by Miles at 05:52 AM (GMT) on 27 October, 2009

Awesome shot. The bandage gives character. I wouldn't mind seeing the original!

comment by micke bergling at 09:51 AM (GMT) on 27 October, 2009

Love it.... a great shot

comment by Dan at 03:42 PM (GMT) on 27 October, 2009

Beautiful shot Dave. I love this capture of a moment. I can totally understand the look on your daughter's face. Just looking at the image makes me feel like I'm going to fall over, with the horizon tilting one way and Tabby going the other it's hard to find up. Very nice toning as well. Your portraits of your kids are always magic and once again you've captured it. This is definately my favorite shot of yours in the last few months.
q- was this the original orientation of the image or did you rotate it a bit to get the effect?

comment by pernilla at 10:17 PM (GMT) on 27 October, 2009

So cute. A lovely shot. The plaster is a perfect detail that gives character. I like how the tilted horizon together with her nervous smile and that she's grabbing on to the hammock creats a strong feeling of movement. Beautiful processeing to.

comment by Jennifer at 02:14 PM (GMT) on 28 October, 2009

Gorgeous and I can't have been paying attention - didn't realise there was another little Nightingale on the way. Best of luck to you all.

comment by djn1 at 09:09 AM (GMT) on 30 October, 2009

Thanks everyone :)

comment by DedicatedRR at 03:00 AM (GMT) on 1 November, 2009

I think...I am far too excited that there is going to be a new baby arriving in your family ^^; I'm not quite old enough to know what to say when someone('s wife) is expecting, so good luck, I suppose?

Cute shot, also :) I like the perspective

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