One of the things I talked about during my recent Dramatic Post-Production workshop for Creative Live was the importance of previsualing an image as you take the shot: going beyond how it looks in the viewfinder by imagining how it could look after it's post-produced.
This shot started out in that vein but, as you will have noticed if you've already taken a look at the original, it didn't end there.
When I took the shot I was thinking about creating an image that captured something of the nature of long-haul flying: the long, tedious hours sat in one place, and the various things we do to entertain ourselves en route.
When I looked at the image later though I decided that it wasn't particularly interesting (I'm as bored with looking at Suduko as I am with playing it) so started thinking about what I could have done instead. After playing around with various alternatives I ended up with this image: a photograph of a photograph.
In this case both were taken with my Ricoh GRD III (and the added shot was taken during the same trip, 17 minutes before the main one), then the images were blended in Photoshop. The only thing that was a bit tricky was getting the reflection looking right - I almost forgot to flip it horizontally - but other than that the post-production was relatively straightforward.
As always, let me know what you think.
captured camera aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped?
8.06pm on 24/9/2011 Ricoh GR Digital III
aperture priority
yes and no
comment byCarlos Garcia at 02:59 PM (GMT) on 21 October, 2011
I am still trying to frame and compose a shot, not quite to the previz level. Love this creative image. Although, at first I thought there was a hole at the bottom of the window! Whew!
comment bydjn1 at 03:05 PM (GMT) on 21 October, 2011
There is a hole. Fortunately though it doesn't go all the way through :)
comment byDan Kaufman at 12:27 AM (GMT) on 22 October, 2011
I agree.
comment byEuan at 02:40 PM (GMT) on 22 October, 2011
Very creative and imaginative. It gets the mind thinking.
comment bymartin at 02:23 PM (GMT) on 25 October, 2011
Which Sudoku app is that? :)
comment bydjn1 at 04:30 PM (GMT) on 25 October, 2011
Martin: It's just called Sudoko, but I checked the App Store and couldn't find it so I guess it might not be available.
comment byJason at 04:28 PM (GMT) on 27 October, 2011
Hey Dave, this is a really cool idea. Very creative and clever. It works really well. I would have cloned the bullet hole though as it really is very distracting...
One of the things I talked about during my recent Dramatic Post-Production workshop for Creative Live was the importance of previsualing an image as you take the shot: going beyond how it looks in the viewfinder by imagining how it could look after it's post-produced.
This shot started out in that vein but, as you will have noticed if you've already taken a look at the original, it didn't end there.
When I took the shot I was thinking about creating an image that captured something of the nature of long-haul flying: the long, tedious hours sat in one place, and the various things we do to entertain ourselves en route.
When I looked at the image later though I decided that it wasn't particularly interesting (I'm as bored with looking at Suduko as I am with playing it) so started thinking about what I could have done instead. After playing around with various alternatives I ended up with this image: a photograph of a photograph.
In this case both were taken with my Ricoh GRD III (and the added shot was taken during the same trip, 17 minutes before the main one), then the images were blended in Photoshop. The only thing that was a bit tricky was getting the reflection looking right - I almost forgot to flip it horizontally - but other than that the post-production was relatively straightforward.
As always, let me know what you think.
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
Ricoh GR Digital III
aperture priority
yes and no
I am still trying to frame and compose a shot, not quite to the previz level. Love this creative image. Although, at first I thought there was a hole at the bottom of the window! Whew!
There is a hole. Fortunately though it doesn't go all the way through :)
I agree.
Very creative and imaginative. It gets the mind thinking.
Which Sudoku app is that? :)
Martin: It's just called Sudoko, but I checked the App Store and couldn't find it so I guess it might not be available.
Hey Dave, this is a really cool idea. Very creative and clever. It works really well. I would have cloned the bullet hole though as it really is very distracting...
Was just going to ask if you had been under siege... lol.... Cool photo in photo idea!