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I had hoped that a) I would have got over my cold by now, and b) that I'd have had some time to get out and shoot some decent stuff ... but neither have happened so here's another one from yesterday evening.

We did take the kids for a short walk earlier this evening, and I took a few shots, but I don't think that any of them are all that great. So, over the next couple of days, I'll try to keep putting stuff up – I hate to miss a day – but I don't imagine it's going to be all that inspired.

As for this shot: compositionally I think it's a bit of a mess, but I did like the sign :-)

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
10.01pm on 30/10/04
Canon 20D
EF 50mm f/1.8 II
shutter priority
3x2 + fylde coast + night shots
comment by miklos at 12:38 AM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

For some reason, I really like this. I think it's the angle or the symmetry in the Star Studios logo, or the man in the bottom right hand corner.. Maybe all three.. I don't know but this is very appealing to me.

comment by picturegrl at 01:31 AM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

I like this too. It has a really fun, carnival feel to it. It makes it seem like digital photography is the coolest, hippest thing on the planet, which it is ;-) Even on you're bad days you come up with something nice.

comment by picturegrl at 01:33 AM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

Ack. I hate not being able to edit comments. I really do know the difference between "you're" and "your," I swear.

comment by myla at 05:49 AM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

I love the reflection in the window,... nice!

comment by jay at 10:22 AM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

good find with the sign!

comment by peter crymble at 01:01 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004


interesting shot. Lots going on. Do you always shoot night shots at ISO400? Do you keep the 20D in Auto mode?

Hope your cold gets better soon.

comment by djn1 at 01:12 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

Thanks :-)

Peter: I try to set the ISO such that it will give me a decent aperture/shutter speed combination, which it did in this instance. For the shot I'm putting up today though I got it wrong – I had it set to ISO 800 but could have got away with ISO 100 as I was shooting into a well-lit window at f/1.8; i.e. I forgot to change it ;-)

comment by Marina at 04:01 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

I like the perspective - although I probably look a little bit stupid: sitting in front of my monitor and leaning my head from one side to the other one ;-)

comment by Tyler at 06:47 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

The picture is nice, but I am curious about the location. There seems to be a rollercoaster in the distance. Where you at a theme park, and if so, which one?

comment by Toietto at 08:51 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

The picture is very nice.

comment by Jens at 09:48 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

I really like you pictures and have your feed in my RSS-reader... but... I must admit that I am starting to get a bit annoyed when I read your comments.
Hope you take this the right way as I don't intend to be rude.

I had hoped that a) I would have got over my cold by now, and b) that I’d have had some time to get out and shoot some decent stuff … but neither have happened so here’s another one from yesterday evening.

Anyway, I realise this isn’t a great photograph – by any stretch of the imagination – but I’m putting it up a) to remind me of what they look like should the urge to go and see them ever come over me in the future, and b) because I have nothing else to put up.

I wasn’t going to put this one up as it isn’t really what I was after.

This shot was taken five minutes after yesterday’s, and initially I wasn’t too impressed with it and didn’t intend to put it up

comment by djn1 at 10:37 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

Thanks everyone.

Tyler: the entrance – bottom left – is to Blackpool's Pleasure Beach, so you're right about the roller-coaster in the background.

Jens: I'm not sure quite what's annoyed you. One of my aims with my descriptions is to tell you what I think of the shot. And because I aim to put up something every day this sometimes means that I put up stuff that I'm not entirely happy with; and I guess that my descriptions are just a way of indicating that.

comment by miklos at 10:49 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

djn: I think she just means this: "STOP WHINING, YOUR SHOTS ARE GOOD!"
haha.. at least that's what I would be implying..

comment by djn1 at 11:50 PM (GMT) on 1 November, 2004

"think she just means this: 'STOP WHINING, YOUR SHOTS ARE GOOD!'"

miklos: yes, I guess you're probably be right. I think the thing for me, if I think about this, is that the opposite of whining would be something like complacency, and that would be about the worst possible place I could end up – I think that would kill my photography stone dead. When I look back through my archives there isn't a single shot that I can point to and think that I absolutely got it right and, ironically, it's that that makes this whole venture worthwhile ... that maybe, if I work long enough and hard enough, I may eventually take a shot that I think is perfect. So, to reiterate, my negative assessments of some of my stuff are just a way of saying I know that something could be better.

comment by Zach at 06:55 AM (GMT) on 2 November, 2004

Well, David, if you need me to do it, I'll tell you how lousy all your photos are... but I'd be lying. :-) it's funny... someone said the same thing to me yesterday because I had posted "I'm not sure if this worked.." three days in a row. Haha.. It's a fine line between honesty and modesty.


comment by pierre at 12:17 PM (GMT) on 2 November, 2004

Well I don't know how you do that, but this photo is razor sharp. Did you customize the 20D's 'parameters' settings ?
I feel the light is very well controlled, the light bulbs are not even bloated or saturated.
Well done.

comment by djn1 at 10:16 PM (GMT) on 2 November, 2004

pierre: this wasn't sharpened in-camera as it was shot in RAW format. The sharpening was done in DPP during conversion then in PS after resizing.

comment by Marty at 12:25 PM (GMT) on 3 November, 2004

David: For me, your comments about what you think about each shot are what make me religiously click on 'comments' for each entry.

Keep 'em coming.

- Marty

comment by Eugene at 11:17 PM (GMT) on 3 November, 2004

I am a beginner at this photoblogging thing, and I don't by far put up something every day, which I admire you for. I am not sure how you look at it, but I generally belive that there should be some sort of feeling inspired by the photographer when a picture is taken (or often after its on the computer). What do you think? What feeling is this one?

comment by Don at 03:57 AM (GMT) on 5 November, 2004

I think it'sa well balanced , I like the composition, good colour to brighten the more sombre tones of the building, the window relections are great, and a hint of joy from the amusement park.

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