walking on shadows / 16 July, 2003 [click for previous image: Photo Friday: Analog]
walking on shadows / 16 July, 2003 [click for next image: fulcrum]
© 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • walking on shadows

This picture was taken on the way to our local park and is of me and our self-proclaimed ‘nearly two’ year old. The original background to the picture is a tarmac lane and, as such, wasn’t entirely suited to the mood I wanted to create. My aim was to capture something of the flavour of summer – crisp, bright shadows, warmth, light – and grey tarmac just didn’t work.

Overall, I’m pleased with this image but I think that I’d probably attempt a more subtle version if I were to do it again. While the versions here look ok, the much larger original does seem overly pixelated and would have probably benefitted from a slightly less rigourous increase in contrast. I recently had a version printed and it seem a bit clumsy (for want of a better word) when viewed on the printed page.

Nonetheless, it’s one of the first pieces of creative photography that I’ve done in quite some time so, on the whole, I’m pleased with the result.

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Fujifilm FinePix 40i
4.02pm on 16/7/03
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