Photo Friday: Work / 14 November, 2003 [click for previous image: not yet titled]
Photo Friday: Work / 14 November, 2003 [click for next image: lily (1)]
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Title • Photo Friday: Work

Under ordinary circumstances I don’t think I would have posted this image, but I decided that I’d make the effort to enter the Photo Friday challenge each week and this was the best I could come up with. This week’s challenge theme is Work (which is ironic given my entry for last week’s theme, Downtown – which would have been a much better image to submit for this challenge), and I’m not convinced that this is all that good an effort.

I suppose the main difficulty I had with this challenge was finding something to photograph. While ‘Downtown’ was a theme that seemed to permit a great deal of interpretation I didn’t find ‘Work’ all that inspiring – nothing new there then ;-)

As I mentioned last week, I’ve started teaching our older daughters some of the basics of photography and we’re using the Photo Friday theme as our weekly topic. We’ve now set up another blog so they can showcase their efforts.

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Canon G5
10.52am on 14/11/03
apeture priority
B+W UV 010
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