lily (4) / 18 November, 2003 [click for previous image: lily (3)]
lily (4) / 18 November, 2003 [click for next image: self reference]
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Title • lily (4)

I suspect that I could carry on taking pictures of lilies for some considerable time to come – they’re wonderful flowers to photograph – but I think, after this one, that it’s time for a change.

Like the first two images in this series this picture is mostly a faithful reproduction of the scene. But, as with the first image, I blurred the background slightly as the cloud pattern was rather distracting. Other than that though, the image was the result of the usual Levels change, some slight Curves and Saturation adjustment, and a very minor amount of sharpening.

In some ways this is my favourite of these four images. The first is a bit predictable, the second (while I think it's technically the best) is rather ‘harsh’, and the third high-key image required too much post-processing for me to be entirely happy with it. This one though, for me at least, goes some way towards capturing the delicate elegance of these flowers.

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Canon G5
11.27am on 16/11/03
aperture priority / macro
B+W circular polariser
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