Photo Friday: Man / 26 January, 2004 [click for previous image: winter trees]
Photo Friday: Man / 26 January, 2004 [click for next image: Photo Friday: Emptiness]
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Title • Photo Friday: Man

I’ve spent a lot of time over the last couple of days mulling over what to do for this week’s Photo Friday challenge – Man – and in the end decided to go for a self-portrait. Part of the reason is that this is something I’ve intended to do for a while – i.e. see whether I can take any half decent photographs of myself – but there are two other reasons. First; I thought it was only fair after posting numerous nude pictures of my wife recently (when she was either pregnant, or just after she gave birth). Second; there’s been an interesting discussion over on my other (textual) blog regarding the various ways in which women are portrayed photographically (including a discussion of my entry for the Photo Friday Woman challenge). So, in light of both those points, I thought it was only fair that I posted some nude shots of myself ;-)

This image is composed of two originals taken a couple of minutes apart, and other than some levels and curves adjustment, and a slight alteration to the colour balance, I haven’t done too much to it other than blur the final result. I did want to leave this as a reasonably straight shot but, frankly, I’m not quite photogenic enough for that ;-)

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Canon G5
10.24pm on 25/1/04
aperture priority
B+W UV 010
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