Photo Friday: Emptiness / 1 February, 2004 [click for previous image: Photo Friday: Man]
Photo Friday: Emptiness / 1 February, 2004 [click for next image: polygraph (1)]
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Title • Photo Friday: Emptiness

Update: I’m really pleased to be able to say that this picture got awarded a noteworthy in the Photo Friday challenge – Emptiness. So many thanks to everyone who voted for this image. And if you’ve got the time (or inclination) you could always add me to your favourites at :-)

<edit> A few times in recent months the weekly Photo Friday challenge has come around and something I’ve posted only a few days previously has been ideal – but I’ve resisted the urge to use it and have either taken something else, or used a photograph from my archive. But this time I’ve decided to break my own rule and use the image that I posted yesterday, a) because it’s only around twelve hours since I took it, and b) because I really think that it fits this week’s theme – Emptiness. </edit>

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks worrying about things like resolution (or the lack of it) and the problems of trying to take good photographs with anything less than a DSLR, and finally realised today that my worrying has nothing to do with what constitutes good photography. Sure, without a 1Ds (or other camera with a massive resolution and lenses to match) I’m not going to produce landscapes that rival an Ansel Adams (but then I strongly suspect that even with an 8x10 plate camera and all the time in the world I wouldn’t get close anyway), but that shouldn’t be an issue. Taking good photographs isn’t only/even about resolution (though it obviously helps) ...

Anyway, today I remembered that photography is about vision, and imagination, and capturing the world in a way that you might not normally see – so I decided to stop worrying about the technical limitations of my camera and start taking more pictures. I also decided that I’m going to try and concentrate a bit more on the form of my images rather than their content. So, today’s effort is a move in that direction – a simple (perhaps overly simple) exploration of light and shape. And for anyone who’s interested: it’s a shot of an uplighter (about 14 inches diameter) with minimal post-processing and no colour correction.

Incidentally, I finally got around to sorting out my links to other sites. For months I’ve been collecting bookmarks but haven’t incorporated them on this site, nor have I voted for them at – I’ve now done both. You can see which sites I visit in the dropdown menu in the sidebar of this page.

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Canon G5
8.02pm on 29/1/04
aperture priority
B+W UV 010
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