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Title • framed sockets
Well, the sun didn’t shine yesterday, but I did manage to get two outdoor shots (that I’ll post over the next couple of days) to accompany this one (and I prefer both of them to this one, but thought I’d put them up in reverse-favourite order). And yesterday was a rather odd day all round – I only took 16 shots, but am going to use three of them, whereas I normally end up taking at least 20-30 shots for each one I put up (and yesterday I took a couple of hundred, of which three of maybe four would have been ok to use).
As for this shot: it’s taken in one of our coffee bars at work. Along two of the walls are a series of photographs (of various scenes from around the world) that, for the most part, are quite artistically arranged. These two are at the end of one of these walls, neatly bissected by the mess of electrical sockets and what looks like a (probably illegal) water tap.
And finally, if you haven’t already come across it, I suggest you check out one of my favourite sites (that has influenced both the design and content of this one) – pixpopuli – especially since Neil has now introduced a commenting system.
camera capture date aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO focal length image quality white balance optical filter | Canon G5 2.37pm on 15/3/04 f2.5 1/15 program AE +0.0 evaluative 100 17.6mm RAW auto B+W UV 010 |
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