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Title • miles away
Over recent weeks I’ve realised that I tend to categorise the images I put up in terms of three levels of quality: ok (fit to be put up if I haven’t managed to take anything that I think is better), good (stuff that I know could be better but I’m generally pleased with how it turned out), and excellent (shots that I’m really proud of). About 40% of the images I put up are ok, 58% are good, and a very few of them I think are excellent.
This shot is ok.
And I might not have posted it at all, but it partners tomorrow shot (which is much better), and I think the two of them together are more interesting than either on their own. And I know that I could post them both as part of the same entry, but I’m trying to stick to a one-image-a-day format so thought I’d put it up.
This shot was taken on Monday afternoon. I was in a part of town that I don’t normally visit and just wandered up and down taking a variety of shots, a good proportion of which were scenes such as this; i.e. reflections in shop windows (and other surfaces). And what’s odd is that out of the eight shots that I think I can use from this trip, six of them are in pairs – i.e. two shots of roughly the same scene. All of which is probably just a coincidence, but I often wonder quite what thought processes are involved in taking good photographs and figured that maybe shooting paired images was just a part of that process. Put another way: it seems that good shots are as much a product of intuition as they are a result of effort or preplanning, and as such it’s often very difficult to verbalise the hows and whys of a good shot. All of which is probably enough rambling for one day ;-)
camera capture date aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO focal length image quality white balance optical filter | Canon G5 1.34pm on 29/3/04 f4.0 1/100 program AE +0.0 evaluative 50 11.2mm RAW auto B+W UV 010 |
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