Photo Friday: Self-Portrait / 22 April, 2004 [click for previous image: curvature of the earth]
Photo Friday: Self-Portrait / 22 April, 2004 [click for next image: not yet titled]
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Title • Photo Friday: Self-Portrait

As Mike Golding notes, photographers hate to be photographed, and I’m no exception. I must have taken several hundred self-portraits this week – and I’ve hated all of them. So, on the basis that today is the last day I can submit something to this week’s Photo Friday challenge, I gave up trying to come up with something ‘arty’ and took a picture of my bum instead ;-)

This week’s challenge was suggested by playapixie, and I was quite saddened to read the commentary on her own entry. In short, she had intended to post a naked shot of herself but, for very obvious reasons, decided against it. So I guess that I’m saddened, not by her decision, but because we live in the sort of world where such decisions need to be made.

On a side note: I’m the guest photoblogger at No Traces today. Bob Smith has taken a trip to Europe and has asked various people to post to his site in his absence – Milo, Emily, Jon, Ian, me, Jim, mprints, Tracey, and Heather. If you’re interested, you can see my entry here.

capture date
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exposure bias
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white balance
Canon G5
9.47am on 22/4/04
aperture priority
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