audio heaven / 18 May, 2004 [click for previous image: Photo Friday: Parts]
audio heaven / 18 May, 2004 [click for next image: old light (1)]
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Title • audio heaven

What I was attempting with this shot was to capture the feel of this room rather than just the turntable itself. It was taken in the music room at my friend’s house and features the turntable that blurrily appears in yesterday’s shot. Around the walls of the room are several thousand LP's, several hundred CD's, and various bits of audio equipment – pre-amp, power-amp, and some other bits that I can visualise but am not entirely sure I know quite what they do. Suffice to say that my friend is a person who takes his music seriously ;-)

I took around 20 shots of this turntable, the majority of which were flash illuminated (bounced off the ceiling), but none of them worked. As for this one: it was hand-held with a shutter speed of one third of a second, but I have no idea how I managed to keep the camera steady. The image isn’t pin-sharp, but it’s ok.

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
Canon G5
4.20pm on 15/5/04
aperture priority
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