guest entry: notraces / 25 July, 2004 [click for previous image: guest entry: wvs | ddoi]
guest entry: notraces / 25 July, 2004 [click for next image: guest entry:]
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Title • guest entry: notraces

A big thank-you to David for trusting me with Chromasia for a day. I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity. Good luck, and much happiness to you and your family in your new home!

I woke up very early this morning with one purpose in mind - to find a decent image to post for all to see.

I hope you like her. She adorns a beautiful, black 1931 V12 Cadillac limousine, once owned by Al Capone. There are exactly four left in the world like her. I live in Chicago, what else would you expect? When I tell people I meet during my travels where I'm from, they inevitably bring up gangsters and Al Capone. Hey! But what about my beloved Chicago Cubs?! Oh well - if you can't beat 'em, join 'em is my philosophy.

The great part of this story is I ventured out not once, but TWICE to search for just the right subject. My first trip out the light was flat, it started to sprinkle, and I was ready to break down and cry. However, the Chromasia muses were with me. Near the final turn of my second trek, just when I was ready to hang up my camera for good, I found the owner of this beautiful automobile. He was very willing to share his story and let me take all the photographs I wanted. A rare find, for sure - simply a wonderful way to finish the day.


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Nikon D70
12:10pm on 25/7/04
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