beyond the sea / 11 August, 2004 [click for previous image: more tea?]
beyond the sea / 11 August, 2004 [click for next image: they shoot horses, don't they?]
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Title • beyond the sea

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't imagine that this shot will attract quite so many comments as yesterday's entry. Which is fine by me – it's going to take me weeks to reply to them all ;-)

As for this shot: regular visitors will know that I have a thing about reflections, and I thought that this one would make for an interesting shot. It's a light on the inside wall of Blackpool's South Shore promenade, taken about 20 yards away from yesterday's image. What I normally do with shots such as these is frame them then watch the world go by in the reflected surface – waiting for someone or something interesting to cross the frame. Initially I was watching the traffic go by but my daughter (the one in this shot) wandered through the scene. And of the ten or so shots that I took this is by far and away the most appealing.

Anyway, as always, I'd be interested in your thoughts. And I won't mind too much if I don't get quite so many comments on this one :-)

capture date
shutter speed
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exposure bias
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white balance
Canon G5
4.47pm on 4/8/04
aperture priority
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