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This is another of the shots that I took yesterday, and initially I didn't think this one was going to work, mostly because the sky was a rather pale shade of blue; i.e. not particularly amenable to this sort of semi-dramatic treatment. But, on the whole, I think it turned out reasonably ok. Had I been a bit quicker I might have recomposed slightly, and had I known the seagull was going to enter the shot I might have used a slightly higher shutter speed, and if I could afford a decent polariser for all three of my lenses I might have used one, but other than that I don't think I'd change too much about this one.
Oh, and on another matter, I read over at blog.photoblogs today that I've been nominated for Best Photoblog at the 2004 Weblog Awards – which is cool :-) And while I'm not in the least bit bothered about the votes, it is nice to have been nominated and to have ended up in the final 15. So if it was anyone who visits here who nominated me ... thanks :-)
Update: My wife read this entry a few minutes ago, and she didn't have to say anything – she has a way of looking at me when she doubts something I've written or said – but the gist of it was, "yeah, right, sure you're not bothered about the votes". So ok, it would be nice if people wanted to vote for chromasia. On which note I think I'll add mention of the voting on the news section of my comments ;-)
capture date camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
2.45pm on 2/12/04 Canon 20D EF 70-200 f/4L USM 84mm (134mm equiv.) f/7.1 1/250 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW DPP minor |
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