and now we are one / 5 February, 2005 [click for previous image: the skies are burning]
and now we are one / 5 February, 2005 [click for next image: age is relative]
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Title • and now we are one

Although there are entries on chromasia that date as far back as July 2003 I always consider its 'official' birthday to be February 5th, as it was on this day last year that I i) decided to post an image a day, and ii) registered chromasia at And back then I guess there were three things that I wanted to achieve; to post an image a day, to become a better photographer, and to join in with the ever-expanding photoblogging community.

I didn't quite manage to post an image a day, but I did get close. Since this time last year 364 images have been posted on chromasia, of which eight were guest entries (on today's entry the guest entries are the ones I've used for the number 1 in the bottom right of the image). Hopefully, especially since I can now 'future post' with MT v3, I'll manage 365 over the next twelve months ... fingers crossed.

In terms of becoming a better photographer: I think I still have quite a way to go, but I do think I'm noticeably better than I was 12 months ago.

As for joining in with the photoblogging community: I guess it's this aspect of chromasia has been the most rewarding. Over 6000 comments have been left in the last year, and the vast majority have encouraged me to continue, critiqued my work as necessary, and given me the impetus to keep going. I've also met numerous people from around the world who have made my photographic journey a considerably richer experience, and I now consider many of these as my friends. But I guess that those people are only a fraction of the people who visit chromasia: I have around 50000 unique visitors each month from around 74 different countries (based on data for 2004) – all of which never ceases to amaze me.

So thank you to all of you; as always it's very much appreciated.

I also need to thank Brandon Stone and everybody else who has contributed to, as without it I suspect that chromasia wouldn't be anywhere near as popular or as well frequented. And I'd also like to thank Sam for the inspiration for the format for today's entry. I know other people have done this too but it was Sam's ddoi year 1 collage that I came across first.

And last but not least, I also need to say a H U G E thank-you to my wife as I know that she's one of the very few women in this world who would put up with me spending so much time and effort here. Thank you.

And there are many more people I could thank and should mention, that I know or have met during this last year, but hopefully you already know that I'm grateful.

And I suppose I could go on with this entry indefinitely, but I won't. All that remains for me to say is that I hope you enjoy year two :-)

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