it's raining men / 27 April, 2005 [click for previous image: doll face]
it's raining men / 27 April, 2005 [click for next image: on two planes]
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Title • it's raining men

Update: ok, after two "this is horrible" comments I've inverted the images; i.e. the one I was originally going to put up is now the main image and the "horrible" one is here. You can't win them all I guess ;-)

I took this shot a little before yesterday's and in putting it up in this way I've broken most of my own rules: it's a 100% crop, it's selectively blurred, and so on. But I thought I'd try and tell the story of what was going on so needed to include a much larger version than usual. The first version I prepared, which you can see here, was a two-thirds crop from the original, but because you couldn't see the faces of the three people at the top-right of the image it was impossible to work out what was happening. This version, on the other hand, weighed in at around 700Kb as a straight colour image, which struck me as being a bit excessive – hence the black and white blurred areas.

Anyway, at the very least I thought it was a bit different and worth putting up in this way.

And in case the story doesn't come across: he chose to jump, and despite landing with a rather audible thud, on his side rather than his feet, he got up a couple of minutes later and didn't seem any the worse for wear. I guess, in the scale of things, that a 15 foot (or thereabouts) jump into a heap of sand isn't all that risky, but it's not something that I'm going to be attempting any time soon ;-)

6.15pm on 25/4/05

Canon 20D

EF 17-40 f/4L USM

40mm (64mm equiv.)



aperture priority






C1 Pro


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RAW converter

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