Photography is an interpretive effort. It involves abstracting some feature of the world, some moment in time, and presenting it in a way that accords with our vision. Equally, what we see prior to the photograph is equally interpretative. We all see the world and it's people in different ways.
And the reason I mention all that is that John (shotsphotography) has put up two shots of this guy, his entry for today, and the one from yesterday, and saw this person somewhat differently from me. My own view, for what it's worth, is echoed by the title for this one, "men make history ...", which is a shortened version of "men make history, but not in circumstances of their own making" (Karl Marx). And I guess, for me at least, that the first things that sprang to mind were social inequality, lack of opportunity, and so on. Anyway, who knows. We only spoke to this guy for a few minutes and came away with different views of who he was. My guess would be that neither of us were right but what's interesting is that our views, or more likely misconceptions, are echoed in the shots that we chose to share with you.
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