Ok, I decided to give the portraits a rest for a couple of days. I have three more that I want to put up, but I thought I'd try some different shots over the weekend (assuming I find time to go out and shoot some).
This one was taken a week ago, and at the time I really liked it. Now, I'm not entirely convinced. What I do like about it, though this is extrinsic to the image itself, is that it adds to my collection of documentary shots of Blackpool. It's one of the stalls on the Central Pier, and the aim is to hit three of the targets with a set of five darts. It should be easy enough, but these darts don't follow normal rules, and no matter how you throw them they inevitably end up in the spaces between the stars.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped?