Ok, here's the second of my latest 'rusty bits of St. Anne's Pier' series. Of the three this is probably the most conventional, but I like the richness of the rust so didn't want to convert it to a toned image or play around with the colours. Tomorrow's though, by way of contrast, is a toned black and white, and in some ways is probably my favourite of the three.
Oh, and this is my 600th entry. In the scale of things I guess that it's probably not too significant a milestone – it's a long way till I reach 1000 entries – but it's a satisfying feeling nonetheless. That said, it's a rather poor effort compared to yours: as I write this you're posted 13,472 comments and have written 522,695 words :-)
And finally: it seems as though I may be having some server problems – specifically '500 Internal Server' errors. Could you if you have any trouble when you leave your comment?
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