working late / 9 October, 2005 [click for previous image: Chris and Eric]
working late / 9 October, 2005 [click for next image: in among the grass]
David J. Nightingale © 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • working late

This is the last of the shots I took a couple of weeks ago during the Europe Photobloggers meetup and I wish I could say that in the interventing two weeks I've taken loads of marvellous shots, but, truth be told, I've hardly had time to pick up my camera. I did go out this afternoon with John but I'm not convinced that any of the shots I took were all that great.

Shortage of material aside, I thought I'd bring you up-to-date with what's happening with chromasia; specifically, it's move to another server. All being well this should be happening soon, but the arrangements are slightly complicated and it's taking a bit longer to sort out than we anticipated. Basically, chromasia is going to be hosted by a company who are developing various pieces of software for photobloggers and photographers – including a hosted blogging solution and some stock library software. In exchange for hosting chromasia I'm going to be helping out/advising and so on. In the short term chromasia is still going to use Movable Type, and in the mid to long term, all being well, I'll switch it over to the new software. And it's the short term arrangement that's slowing things down, in that the server has only just been built and is currently being configured to support Movable Type, MySQL, and so on. I'm currently beta-testing some bits of the new version (it's not all installed yet) and should be able to make the switch some time soon. I'll keep you all posted.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
5.34pm on 24/9/05
Canon 20D
EF 17-40 f/4L USM
40mm (64mm equiv.)
aperture priority
C1 Pro
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