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Title • under illumination
A year ago, I don't think I would have put this up as i) it's not particularly different to yesterday's shot, and ii) it's somewhat more drab than my usual material, but I'm increasingly finding myself drawn to this type of shot: partially abstract, muted colours, textured and so on. That said, I do realise that I have an audience with expectations that might not be met by this image, so tomorrow's is more in line with my previous stuff ;-)
captured camera lens aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
11.53pm on 18/12/05 Canon 20D EF 50mm f/1.4 USM f/2.8 1/250 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |
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