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Title • under central pier
I did hope that I'd have some time to go out today and shoot some new material, but what with one thing and another it just didn't happen. So, in light of having nothing else to put up, here's a shot of Blackpool's Central and North piers, taken back in November. It's ok, I guess, but there's something not quite right about it ... maybe it's the composition, or maybe it's something else, but it's definitely one of those shots where there's a discernible gap between the idea and the execution.
Oh, and all being well this should be posted automatically, at 9pm GMT, as I think I've managed to get scheduled posting working again. That said, if things do go a bit loopy, don't worry about it, I'll fix it later.
captured camera lens aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
2.43pm on 25/11/05 Canon 20D EF 50mm f/1.4 USM f/8.0 1/500 aperture priority -1/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 2x1 |
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