year two / 5 February, 2006 [click for previous image: untitled #0014]
year two / 5 February, 2006 [click for next image: pole dancing]
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Title • year two

From top left to bottom right, here are all the images from the last twelve months.

For those of you who have been around since this time last year, you'll know that chromasia's birthday is February 5th, 2004 – this was the day that I registered chromasia at and decided to post an image a day. Like last year, I didn't quite manage 365 images (I was eleven short this year), but it's still something I aspire too. Maybe – touch wood – I'll manage this in chromasia's third year :-)

Anyway, all I really want to say today is thank you: to all of you, for your continued support and thoughtful and helpful comments; to my wife and family, without whom this simply wouldn't be possible; and to everyone else who's contributed during the last twelve months.

Thanks :-)

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