killa bunnies #1 / 8 April, 2006 [click for previous image: untitled #0019]
killa bunnies #1 / 8 April, 2006 [click for next image: killa bunnies #2]
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Title • killa bunnies #1

Well, here's one that will irritate two groups of you: those of you in the "it's just other people's art" camp, AND the "that's not photography it's digital art" brigade ;-)

This one is a composite image: the left side is one image, the right side another, and they're merged using a gradient mask to gradually obscure one as the other is revealed. If you're interested I've put the originals up here:


Oh, and the title refers to the Moloko track by the same name, from the album Do You Like My Tight Sweater?

Killa Bunnies #2, which I prefer to this one, will go up tomorrow.

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