untitled #0030 / 10 August, 2006 [click for previous image: a rock and a hard place]
untitled #0030 / 10 August, 2006 [click for next image: aaaarrrggh!]
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Title • untitled #0030

It's been a good day today, so I wish I had something a little more riveting to put up, but I do enjoy shooting discarded newspapers and magazines. One odd thing: whenever I get around to post-processing these shots, and wondering what I might write to accompany them, I wish I'd looked at them more closely: i.e. removed them from there context to read the text and/or the date of publication, and so on. If I had done I would be able to tell you who this is and what might have happened to him. But, when I take the shots, I always feel extremely reluctant to disturb the scene.

Anyway, I mentioned it had been a good day ...

Back in March we were visited by a local reporter who had stumbled across chromasia and was interested in writing an article: on the website, my style of photography, Libby and the kids, and so on. It wasn't a commissioned piece so we knew there would be a wait until it was published. Anyway, the article came out today in The North West Enquirer, our regional newspaper in the north-west of England. If you follow the link there's a small copy of the front page of this week's issue at the bottom of the page, including under the north pier :-) [the article is now online too].

Anyway, if that wasn't enough, we got a phone call late morning from another reporter who wanted to try and get a similar article into the national newspapers, and following that we were contacted by the Metro, a free newspaper distributed in various towns around the UK, who also want to run the story. So, all in all, a pretty good day :-)

On a less positive note: I got an email from Tobias today informing me that someone had posted an unpleasant comment on his blog using my username, email address, and url. I'm assuming that this was a rather childish one-off event, but if anyone does see any negative comments from me on any of the sites they visit, I'd be grateful if they could let me know ... because it won't be me who posted them.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
2.09pm on 9/8/06
Canon 20D
EF 17-40 f/4L USM
40mm (64mm equiv.)
aperture priority
C1 Pro
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