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Title • the road ahead
For various reasons, the content and title of this one seem apposite at the moment as we're currently thinking through various options regarding the future of chromasia. Not the blog – that will continue as it has for the last couple of years – but the company ... where we go next, how much time we invest, and so on. All of which is a bit cryptic, and I'm not really inclined to say much more about it at the moment, but this image tied into my thoughts on that topic.
PS – this, IMO, looks better with the black theme.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
4.45pm on 11/10/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 17mm (27mm equiv.) f/11.0 1/100 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |
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