First of all, thanks for all the comments on yesterday's shot, and for your suggestions regarding beaches and pebbles. I'll check these out over the next day or so and will let you know.
One that looks promising is this one – smooth pebbles, variation in colour, and so on – but it's a bit of a trek from here. Actually, and while I don't think I'm in any danger of becoming a closet geologist, I have found this research quite interesting, not least because the pebbles around the UK vary quite substantially from place to place. In Wales they're grey and smooth, along a fair bit of the south coast they're not quite as uniformly smooth and they're mostly shades of red, brown and yellow, while in Scotland there's more variation in colour ... and so on. I'm simplifying, but you get the idea. Anyway, I'm sure we'll find somewhere suitable soon.
Anyway, back to this image ...
It was processed in much the same way as yesterday's, i.e. it's a combination of three originals shot at different exposures, and while it isn't quite as dramatic as yesterday's I am pleased with the way it turned out.
As always, please let me know what you think.
Oh, and there's a higher res' version here. I've put this one up as a relatively small image as I didn't think it suited being scrolled on smaller screens.