untitled #0055 / 9 May, 2007 [click for previous image: 1, 2, 3, GO!]
untitled #0055 / 9 May, 2007 [click for next image: untitled #0056]
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Title • untitled #0055

This week has been one of those that I'd rather forget. Libby and I have both had colds, as have Tabitha and Finley (our two youngest), and while neither of them have been particularly unwell, both have needed a lot of attention. Tabitha won't be put down, even for a minute or two, and Finley, in addition to waking us both up for the last few nights, hasn't been in an especially good mood the rest of the time.

And the hard drive in my laptop died which, given that it's only a few months old, is really annoying. What's worse is that I lost a fair bit of work too. I didn't lose any images, but I did lose the latest bit of the Tonal Range and Curves Tool tutorial and some writing I was doing for a client. I've also lost around the last six weeks of emails, so if you emailed me recently and I haven't got back to you, please send it again.

As for this shot: I know it won't be to everyone's taste, but I still find this sort of material appealing. I think that what draws me to this sort of scene is the way in which the various scrawls, scratches and letters build up over time, such that what was once a clear perspex window becomes a mess of unintentional colour and abstraction.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
1.41pm on 2/5/07
Canon 5D
EF 24-70 f/2.8L USM
aperture priority
C1 Pro
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