Ryan and Fiona #1 / 1 September, 2007 [click for previous image: beyond the island]
Ryan and Fiona #1 / 1 September, 2007 [click for next image: Ryan and Fiona #2]
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Title • Ryan and Fiona #1

As many of you will be aware, the vast majority of the portraits I post (of adults or children) aren't posed; i.e. they're spur of the moment shots of our children, people in the street, and so on.

For the job in Nassau though the majority of the shots involved photographing two models – Ryan Elliott and Fiona Brattle – in a variety of locations, clothes, poses, and so on. I guess that if you're used to shooting models, it isn't something you think about, at least not overtly, but I found it a really interesting and rewarding experience. Normally, my portraits are an attempt to capture a naturally occurring moment, in and amongst everything else that happens to be going on. When shots are posed though, it's a bit of a different story; i.e. what constitutes a "naturally occurring moment" is partly decided beforehand and then the shot is constructed accordingly.

The shots I'll be posting of Ryan and Fiona aren't any of the ones I shot for the commission and all were taken in one of two locations: in between the commissioned shots taken on a boat trip and on the beach one evening, when we had a bit of free time. Some were impromptu shots, others were directed by Ryan and Fiona.

As always, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
7.07pm on 26/8/07
Canon 5D
EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
aperture priority
C1 Pro
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