water baby / 15 May, 2008 [click for previous image: under construction]
water baby / 15 May, 2008 [click for next image: evening lights]
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Title • water baby

For ages now Libby has been telling me that I should post more shots of the kids, but when we all go out together (me, Libby, and all six kids) the last thing I want to drag along with me is one of my DSLRs – not least because I spend half my time chasing after Finley. He does know the meaning of "come here", but it often has very little effect on his behaviour :-)

Anyway, while I was in Dubai I had a chance to play around with a Canon G9 and was very impressed. As those of you who have been around since I launched chromasia back in 2003 will know, a lot of the early shots I posted were taken with a G5. The G9 has more than doubled the pixel count since then, is a lot more robust (it has a metal body), and is quite a bit smaller. All in all it seems like a pretty good camera.

I haven't had too much time to really put it to the test, but I did take it down to the beach the other day and got a couple of shots I was happy with. This one, of Harmony, and one of Libby that I'll put up tomorrow. When I've had a chance to use it a bit more I'll let you know what I think of it in a bit more detail.

shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
RAW converter
3.12pm on 12/5/08
Canon G9
aperture priority
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