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Title • going in circles
It's been a long week, but I've finally finished migrating chromasia to the new server and am fairly sure that everything's now much as it was. From your point of view, nothing should have changed, but from my perspective I feel about ten years older than I did at the start of the week. If you know what you're doing, there's nothing inherently problematic about migrating a website to a new server, but it's not something I have a great deal of experience with and have been running on adrenalin and caffeine for a bit longer than is either healthy or sensible :-)
Anyway, it's done now, and I think it's OK, but do let me know if you come across anything odd, broken or otherwise unexpected. I'd also be interested to hear how fast the new version loads. Our previous server was in London, but the new one is in a datacenter in the US. As such chromasia might seem slower if you're in the UK or Europe and a bit quicker if you're on the other side of the pond. Wherever you are though I'd be grateful of some feedback - just so I can be sure that everything's working as expected.
captured camera aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO focal length flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
2.03pm on 28/8/08 Canon G9 f/2.8 1/15 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 80 7.4mm no RAW Lightroom 2x1 |
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