on the right tracks / 24 January, 2009 [click for previous image: the king]
on the right tracks / 24 January, 2009 [click for next image: acid rain]
David J. Nightingale © 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • on the right tracks

I wasn't going to post anything else until Monday – I'm trying to spin out the few remaining shots that I have because I know I wont have any time for shooting this week – but we're celebrating today, so I had to put something up :-)

When I posted my 'no it's not a texture' shot of Elvis yesterday I mentioned that Libby was out at the Northwest Women in Business Awards 2009 awards ceremony as she had been nominated for the Best New Business category in her role as head honcho of our training company (i.e. the one that runs our online Photoshop tutorials, sorts out one-to-one training, and so on).

Anyway, I'm really pleased to say that she won, but won't tell you any more about it because she's also written about it on her new blog: including a shot of the shoes ;-)

On which note, back to this one ...

It was taken three minutes after the sequence I used for this shot, but facing the other way down the tracks, and as with a lot of my recent HDR work it was constructed from a seven shot sequence using Photomatix Pro. In this instance, while I didn't want it to end up looking like a straight shot, I didn't want it to look like a typical HDR image either.

Anyway, I like it, but would be interested to hear what you all think.

On a related note: Craig has just posted a shot of this same scene, taking a wider view than me – it looks good.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
11.11 on 10/1/09
Canon 1Ds Mark II
EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
1/5 to 1/400 (seven shots)
aperture priority
Photomatix Pro
minor transformation
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