fading light / 13 February, 2009 [click for previous image: fabulous sister]
fading light / 13 February, 2009 [click for next image: Yates's]
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Title • fading light

My apologies for not posting anything recently but it's been one of those weeks; i.e. too much to do, and not enough time to do it in, and despite my best efforts I don't really seem to have achieved all that much since getting back from our recent trip to Centre Parcs. Anyway, rather than spend another afternoon trying to write, and not getting anywhere, I decided to take Libby and the kids up to Fleetwood to stretch their legs. I also decided to take my new Lensbaby Composer for a spin. I've used various Lensbabies in the past, but never quite got the hang of them - the Lensbaby 2.0 was just too difficult to use, and the 3G was too fiddly - but I found the Composer much easier. You can move the sweet spot by moving the front element, as you can with all Lensbabies, but once you've moved it it stays put. The focussing is also a lot easier with this one; i.e. you focus by adjusting a ring at the front of the lens. In short, it's a lot easier to get exactly the effect you want without having to fight with the lens to achieve it.

I'll write more about it when I post my next shot, but in the meanwhile, do let me know what you think of this one.

Oh, and if you're interested, we're going to be giving away a Composer and Optic Kit in our forthcoming competition, details of which are available on our main tutorials page.

On a totally different matter: a while ago I mentioned that I'd be instructing at the Gulf Photo Plus 2009 training event in Dubai (March 30th to April 4th). If you're interested in attending they've just published the schedule as a downloadable PDF. It looks like it's going to be a great event :)

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
15.03pm on 13/2/09
Canon 1Ds Mark II
Lensbaby Composer (double glass optic)
Aperture Priority
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