baby and me / 16 February, 2009 [click for previous image: Yates's]
baby and me / 16 February, 2009 [click for next image: re-animator]
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Title • baby and me

This is another Lensbaby shot, of Harmony (our six year old) and her 'baby born' up at Fleetwood beach. I had hoped that one of the shots of her teaching her 'baby' to paddle would have worked, but I didn't get the focus right on any of them so you'll have to settle for this one instead.

From a technical point of view I think I would have preferred a slightly larger sweet spot, i.e. more of the image in focus, but I'd switched to using the f/8.0 aperture as it wasn't as bright as when I shot the one I posted a few days ago. In other words, I personally feel that this one is either a bit too 'dreamy', in which case a smaller aperture would have worked better, or maybe not 'dreamy' enough; i.e. I should have used a larger aperture. Either way though, I'm reasonably happy with how it turned out, and she does look cute. More importantly though, she likes this one, but I'd also be interested to hear what you think.

And on the subject of Lensbabies (and if you're a subscriber to our tutorials) I just posted the details of our latest competition in the forum. The first prize is a Lensbaby Composer and Lensbaby Optic Kit, while the second and third place prizes are Lensbaby vouchers, worth $150.00 and $100.00 respectively.

On a totally different matter, and I promise not to mention this more than a couple of times, voting has just opened for the 2009 Photoblog Awards. Any votes for chromasia would be very much appreciated :)

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
15.34pm on 13/2/09
Canon 1Ds Mark II
Lensbaby Composer (double glass optic)
Aperture Priority
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