untitled #80 / 5 March, 2009 [click for previous image: untitled #79]
untitled #80 / 5 March, 2009 [click for next image: out for a duck]
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Title • untitled #80

In case you've been wondering why I haven't been posting much recently it's because I'm still ploughing my way through writing the HDR book. Fortunately, it should be finished by 20th March. Well, that's the deadline at least, so fingers crossed that I do manage to get it all done. Anyway, after that I'll be heading out to Dubai on the 23rd. I have a couple of commissions, which I'll tell you about in due course, and will also be attending this year's GPP training event (March 30th to April 4th). If you're in the area at the time, or fancy a trip to somewhere warm and photogenic, I'd definitely recommend you take a look the event, not least because there's a great line up of photographers this year: Joe McNally, David Hobby, Drew Gardner, Vincent LaForet, Zack Arias, Carol Dragon, Chase Jarvis, Cliff Mautner, Asim Rafiqui, Chris Hurtt, Bobbi Lane, and Robin Nichols (and probably a few more I've forgot to mention).

As for this shot: it's another one of Rhowan, wandering off into a world of her own. In this instance the post-processing is quite light; i.e. I just added a LAB curve to change the colour balance a bit (as described in part one and part two of my LAB Color mode tutorials) and used another Curve to soften the border by lowering the contrast in this area of the image.

shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
RAW converter
4.09pm on 3/1/09
Canon G9
aperture priority
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