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Title • bodygraphia #6
First: thanks for all your comments on my last image - they were much appreciated. It's always interesting when I post something that generates some debate :)
I'm also expecting that this one might generate a fairly polarised response too. Unlike yesterday's shot, which I did like, I'm not especially happy with this one. At this stage I'd rather not say why, but will post an update after I've heard what you think.
What I will say is that Iva (the model) really liked it. As I mentioned when I posted this shot, Iva is heading to Scotland later this year to study Philosophy, Film and Visual Culture at Aberdeen University (I think). When she saw this image, and some of the other 'cage' shots, she said that they reminded her of Bentham's Panopticon. If you haven't come across the idea, the panopticon was a design for a prison: where the prisoners would could be watched at all times, but would never know when or if they were being actively observed. Bentham designed the prison in 1785 (it was never built) but the idea was later taken up by Michel Foucault as a metaphor for modern societie's ever-increasing tendency to observe and normalise behaviour.
Anyway, let me know what you think, and I'll post my thoughts either later today or tomorrow.
On a totally different matter ...
Stop by tomorrow for a chance to win a twelve month subscription to our Photoshop tutorials. I'll post the full details tomorrow, but will also update my Facebook and Twitter accounts when the competition goes live.
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12.31pm on 16/8/10 Canon 5D Mark II EF EF 15mm f/2.8 fisheye f/13 1/125 manual n/a evaluative 100 yes RAW ACR no |
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