Jabel Shams canyon #2 / 3 December, 2010 [click for previous image: Jabel Shams canyon #1]
Jabel Shams canyon #2 / 3 December, 2010 [click for next image: Jabel Shams canyon #3]
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David J. Nightingale © 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • Jabel Shams canyon #2

First of all, thanks for all your comments, Facebook 'likes' and tweets regarding my previous shot of the Jabel Shams canyon - they were much appreciated - and if you're interested, Jason has just posted his version of the same view here:


As for today's image: this is the one section of path on the Jabel Shams canyon walk that was fenced, and it extended for about 10 metres from end to end. Given the scale of the drops along the unfenced sections of the path I decided to avoid looking over the edge as we crossed this bit; a) because the drop was probably mind-bogglingly huge, and b) because a few strands of wire and some old twigs didn't seem like much of a defence against imminant death ;-)

On a different, but equally exciting topic ...

When I posted my previous entry I mentioned that I'd be running a couple of workshops in Austin (TX) in February: a one day HDR Crash Course on February 4th and a two day Creating Dramatic Images workshop on the 5th and 6th.

I heard from Dave Wilson (the coordinator of both workshops) earlier today who told me that there are now 15 signups for my Creating Dramatic Images workshop and nine for my HDR Crash Course. As both workshops are limited to 19 places they're likely to be full very soon, so if you think you might be interested in attending drop Dave a line:

dave AT davewilsonphotography DOT com

And if you haven't seen the details, take a look at the page linked below for info on the workshops content, pricing, and so on:


focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
image editor
plugins (etc)
9.36am on 15/11/10
Canon 5D Mark II
EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
aperture priority
Camera Raw
Photoshop CS5
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