Welcome home / 21 February, 2011 [click for previous image: another lost shoe #2]
Welcome home / 21 February, 2011 [click for next image: untitled #117]
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Title • Welcome home

It's been a worrying few days.

Libby went back to the UK on Thursday and was quite unwell when she left. I was worried about her, but not unduly concerned as I knew she'd be able to have a good rest when she got back to our house in the UK. I thought she'd probably have a couple of rough days, but then bounce back.

Unfortunately though, by the time she got there she was a lot worse, and ended up in hospital a few hours later. I couldn't speak to her on Friday or Saturday, but did ring the hospital who told me that although she had a chest infection and her asthma was playing up, she was "comfortable". Not especially informative, but nothing to cause immediate alarm.

Anyway, after finally managing to speak to her yesterday it turns out that she was a lot more poorly than I realised. She has pneumonia and has been hooked up to various antibiotic IVs and oxygen since she got there on Thursday. Fortunately she's a lot better now – fingers crossed she stays that way – but I wish I was there. There are many benefits to living in both Bulgaria and the UK, but being separated at a time like this isn't one of them.

Anyway, I was going to post a different shot today, but this is Libby's favourite of the ones I have left from my recent travels, so I thought I'd post this instead. And in case you're wondering: it's a sculpture on Fleetwood promenade, called Welcome Home. According to the plaque it "was erected as a tribute to the families of Fleetwood fishermen who have, down the years, shared the dangers and uncertainties of the industry. Around this spot families have gathered for generations to 'welcome home' their menfolk from the sea. Welcome Home is provided by Fisherman's Friend with the assistence of Wyre Borough Council. It was designed and sculpted by Anita Lafford."

Anyway, Libby isn't home yet – either to our house in the UK or Bulgaria – but I'm sure she'll be there soon.

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3.19pm on 12/2/11
Canon 5D Mark II
EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
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Camera Raw
Photoshop CS5
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