the doll / 17 July, 2011 [click for previous image: beneath the surface]
the doll / 17 July, 2011 [click for next image: multiplicity]
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David J. Nightingale © 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • the doll

It's been a while since I blogged anything, but I have been busy: coding a new gallery to showcase some of the best images produced by the photographers who have attended one of my workshops, subscribe to our online tutorials, or who have had some one-to-one training. If you haven't seen it already you should definitely take a look:

And if you have the time, please leave a comment on any images you like. I'm hoping that it's going to develop into a really dynamic and inspiring gallery, so the more people who contribute the better :-)

Anyway, while I haven't had a great deal of time to get out and about with my 'proper' camera, I have been playing around with my new iPhone, including trying out a whole heap of different camera apps, various sharing apps, and more post-processing apps than you can shake a stick at.

For example, this one was taken using ProCamera (my current favourite camera app), edited with Filterstorm (which is fantastic), and then shared using Instagram.

And in case you're wondering, yes, the doll's eyes really are pink. I think they were blue when we bought it, but after been left out in the summer sun for a few weeks they ended up looking like this. If it was down to me I think it would end up in the bin, but both Tabby (4) and Tiggy (21 months) both love playing with it so I haven't had the heart to give it a decent burial ... at least not yet :-)

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