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Title • walk the walk
It's been a while since I changed the way this blog worked but today I implemented a new commenting system, powered by Disqus rather than Movable Type. As such I'd be really grateful if you could leave a comment on this image just to check that everything's working OK.
All the old entries will still use the Movable Type script – there's no way to import 48,911 comments into Disqus – but all new entries will use Disqus: it's faster than Movable Type, has a lot more features (including automatic notifications of new comments), and is generally a more capable solution. Fingers crossed it all works as expected :)
As for this shot, it was taken during my recent trip to the UK, on Blackpool beach. Let me know what you think.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter image editor plugins (etc) cropped? |
10.25am on 15/9/11 Canon 5D Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 70mm f/11.0 1/160 aperture priority +2/3 evaluative 100 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CS5 none 2.39x1 |
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