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Title • Jura #5
This is one of those shots that almost didn't get taken, simply because it wasn't what I was intent on shooting at the time. Let me explain. Ian Mylam and I had spent a good couple of hours photographing from the end of the jetty near the Jura hotel, and we'd got some good shots and had just about decided to wrap it up for the night. At that point a fishing boat pulled up at the end of the jetty so I started taking a few shots of the boat in profile against the increasingly dark sky. The shots weren't working out - mostly because the boat was rocking in the water and I couldn't get a decent shutter speed without cranking the ISO up to at least 12800 so I gave up.
As I started packing away my gear I wandered to the rear of the boat, which I hadn't even looked at at this point, and noticed that a) it was well lit ... well, relatively well lit, and b) it was a whole lot more interesting than trying to photograph the boat as a whole.
So I grabbed a few frames and we headed back to the Jura Lodge for a nightcap or two. And I'm glad I did as I'm pleased with how it turned out.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter image editor plugins (etc) cropped? Latitude Longitute |
9.50pm on 1/5/12 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss T* 35mm f/4.0 1/10 aperture priority -1.3 evaluative 800 no RAW Camera Raw CS6 none minor recomposition N55�49.974' W5�56.689 |
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