All the entries on chromasia are placed into one of seven primary categories: six to reflect the aspect ratio of the image, and the seventh to indicate that an image isn’t available as a print. Additionally, each photograph may be assigned to one of more additional categories or subcategories, e.g. my travel category, children category, and so on.
Images in this category have an aspect ratio of 2x1.

I haven't posted anything on the blog for ages, so thought I'd share another of the images I shot during one of my GPP workshops earlier this year.
In other news, we've just opened up our new mentoring programme to 12 new students. If you're interested in improving you photography, postproduction, or both, take a look.
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5.15pm on 9/4/16 Fujifilm X-T1 XF 10-24mm f/4 R OIS 10mm f/11 1/60 aperture priority 0.3 average 200 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC (2014) none 2x1 |

Three portraits from yesterday's Blackpool Pride Festival in Blackpool, all of which were shot with the Fujifilm X-T1 and 90mm f/2 (my new favourite lens). As always, it was a great event, with lots of great characters.
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• 2x1 + camera [Fujifilm X-T1] + people [portraiture] + no print |

I remember reading somewhere that if the earth was shrunk to the size of a pool ball, or a pool ball expanded to the size of the earth, the earth would be the smoother of the two.
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4.10pm on 7/4/16 Fujifilm X-T1 XF 10-24mm f/4 R OIS 14.5mm f/5.6 1/125 aperture priority 0.7 average 200 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC (2014) none 2x1 (& stretched a bit) |

Before I visited the desert near Dubai for the first time I had a rather romanticised idea about what I might find: rolling dunes, crystal clear skies, and maybe a camel or two. More than anything though, I expected a clean and pristine environment. That wasn't the case: there were motorcycle and dune buggy tracks all over the place - it looked like a carpark after a busy day, albeit a very sandy one. But every disappointment is its own opportunity and since that trip I've made a point of photographing the tracks in the sand whenever I see them. This particular set was shot in November 2013 during my Landscape Photography workshop for Gulf Photo Plus.

One from the archives today, shot during my Landscape Photography workshop for Gulf Photo Plus in November of 2013.
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• 2x1 + travel [Dubai, UAE] + people + show the original |

I was trawling through some of my processed images today and came across this one, shot in Dubai in 2014. I have no idea why I didn't post it at the time, so thought I'd share it now.
As always, let me know what you think.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter image editor plugins (etc) cropped? Latitude Longitude |
7.16am on 8/3/14 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss T* 24mm f/2.8 1/8 aperture priority +0.3 evaluative 100 no RAW Camera Raw CS6 none 2x1 N25°13.378' E55°15.131' |

I'd love to be able to tell you a great story about this image, but as I asked Catalin to pose against the fence, I can't :-)
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7.08pm on 18/3/15 Fujifilm X-T1 XF 50-140mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR 71.5mm f/16.0 20s aperture priority +0.3 average 400 no RAW Camera RAW Photoshop CC (2014) none 2x1 |

This is the location for the dawn shoot of my #GPP2015 Shoot the City workshop that starts on Saturday. We scouted it this morning, and although the light wasn't ideal I am pleased with how this one turned out.
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12.59pm on 5/3/15 Fujifilm X-T1 XF 10-24mm f/4 R OIS 10mm f/5.8 1/640 aperture priority +0.7 average 200 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC (2014) none 2x1 |

I could watch the sea for a very long time.
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1.47pm on 16/12/14 Fujifilm X-T1 XF 10-24mm f/4 R OIS 24mm f/8 1/160 aperture priority +0.7 average 200 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC (2014) none 2x1 |

I've posted quite a few shots from this location, shot at much the same time of day, but I thought this one was worth sharing too.
It's also one of the locations we'll be shooting from during my Shoot the City workshop at next years GPP event (further details here).
And finally, if you haven't seen it on Facebook or you don't subscribe to our newsletter, you may have missed our Black Friday deal on The Art of Black and White Photography, i.e. you can sign up for $19 rather than the usual price of $99. If you're interested, take a look at the link below:

I think I could probably sit and watch the sea for a very long time.
captured camera aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter image editor plugins (etc) cropped? |
4.09pm on 24/7/14 Fujifilm X100S f/8.0 1/850 aperture priority +1.0 average 200 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC 2014 none 2x1 |

Taken last November, on the ferry from Masirah island to mainland Oman.
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10.52am on 21/11/2013 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss T* 16mm f/8 1/500 aperture priority -0.7 evaluative 100 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC 2014 none 2x1 |
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• 2x1 + travel [Oman] + camera [Sony A99] + people + show the original |

A fairly recent shot, taken on a cold and windy day on Fleetwood beach.
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2.14pm on 4/4/14 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss T* 18mm f/5.6 1/500 aperture priority +2.0 evaluative 200 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC 2014 none 2x1 |

This is a shot of the JBR skyline in Dubai, taken from the west frond of the Palm, and was shot with the XT-1 and 14mm using a handheld (and panned) 1/2s exposure.
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5.30pm on 11/3/13 Fujifilm XT-1 XF 14mm f/2.8 R f/13.0 1/2 aperture priority +0.7 evaluative 250 no RAW Iridient Developer Photoshop CC none 2x1 |

I finally found the time to take a trip up to Fleetwood with the XT-1 and kit lens and came away with two shots that I'm pleased with. Of the two this is probably my favourite, but I'll post the other tomorrow and you can decide between them.
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2.12pm on 4/4/13 Fujifilm XT-1 XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4 R LM OIS f/5.6 1/500 aperture priority +2.3 evaluative 200 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC none no |

A great reminder that it's better to shoot kids before they get bored, not after: shot during my recent trip to Oman with Issa.
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8.51am on 22/11/13 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 85mm f/1.4 Carl Zeiss Planar T* f/5.6 1/80 aperture priority +1.0 evaluative 1600 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC none 2x1 |
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• 2x1 + travel [Oman] + camera [Sony A99] + children [portraits] + no print + show the original |

Here's the first of my shots from GPP 2014, taken during my Shoot the City workshop. And for those of you who are interested here's the Google map reference.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter image editor plugins (etc) cropped? Latitude Longitute |
6.46am on 8/3/12 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss T* 17mm f/5.6 1/320 aperture priority +1.0 evaluative 100 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC none 2x1 N25°13.622' E55°15.215' |

Some clouds are decidedly more interesting than others.
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3.30pm on 17/11/13 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss T* 70mm f/5.6 1/640 aperture priority +1.0 evaluative 100 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC none 2x1 |
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• 2x1 + travel [Oman] + camera [Sony A99] + show the original |

This is one of my less remarkable shots from our trip to Masirah Island (Oman) but I thought I'd post it anyway, more as a reminder for myself than for its intrinsic merit (or lack thereof). That said, there are a lot of things I like about it :)
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5.00pm on 20/11/12 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss T* 16mm f/7.1 1/320 aperture priority +0.3 evaluative 100 no RAW Camera Raw Photoshop CC none 2x1 N20°38.759' E58°52.027' |
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• 2x1 + travel [Oman] + camera [Sony A99] + people [portraiture] + show the original |

This is the first of a whole bunch of shots I'll be posting from my trip to Oman with Issa Alkindy, shot on the road between Duqm and Muscat.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter image editor plugins (etc) cropped? Latitude Longitute |
5.12pm on 22/11/12 Sony SLT-A99 Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss T* 16mm f/5.6 1/60 aperture priority -0.3 evaluative 100 no RAW Camera Raw CS6 none 2x1 N20°24.243' E57°48.695' |
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• 2x1 + travel [Oman] + show the original |