All the entries on chromasia are placed into one of seven primary categories: six to reflect the aspect ratio of the image, and the seventh to indicate that an image isn’t available as a print. Additionally, each photograph may be assigned to one of more additional categories or subcategories, e.g. my travel category, children category, and so on.
An ongoing project, that I'll explain as I go along.

I had hoped to get out today but what with one thing and another it didn't happen, so here's one taken on a trip to St. Annes a couple of months ago. It was taken approximately 90° to the right of this one this one, and while the end result isn't quite as striking, I am quite pleased with how it turned out.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
2.43pm on 28/9/07 Canon 1Ds Mark II EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM 70mm f/2.8 1/1000 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 2x1 |

I was going to go out today, but by the time I got home from work it was over 90°F so I decided it was a bit too hot to go out.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
1.59pm on 10/7/06 Canon 20D EF 70-200 f/4L USM 131mm (210mm equiv.) f/5.6 1/800 aperture priority -2/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |

This is the first of two similar shots of this section of one of the groynes on Fleetwood beach. This one, for me at least, is about composition and texture, whereas tomorrow's (which is taken at a slightly wider angle) is more to do with mood and context. Both are quite flat, but this reflects the conditions at the time – very bright, but uniformly overcast, with the light seeming to hang in the air.
John has also posted a version of this scene too.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
2.21pm on 14/5/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 22mm (35mm equiv.) f/8.0 1/640 aperture priority -2/3 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 2x1 |

I'm never quite sure how abstracts will be received on chromasia, but I'm pleased with this one. Actually, I don't suppose it is an abstract – it's the grass on our local sand-dunes – but I've shifted the colour balance and I guess the 'real' subject matter isn't immediately apparent. Out of interest, can anyone tell me what this sort of grass is called? I have another shot of it here.
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
2.04pm on 30/3/06 Canon 20D EF 17-40 f/4L USM 36mm (58mm equiv.) f/4.0 1/1600 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro 2x1 |

I've spent quite a lot of time recently thinking through where I see my photography going next – what I should shoot, how these shots should be themed, how they should be processed, and so on – and while I'm happy to carry on with what seems to be mostly an eclectic gathering of things and styles I find interesting – chromasia as it is now – I'm also at the point where I need to become a little more systematic in what I do.
So, here's the start of one such project, which may of course come to nothing, but it's something I've been thinking about for a while and I thought I might as well share its conception here.
The basic idea is one that's inspired by Brian Eno's thoughts on ambient music, best summed up in his sleeve notes to the first release of Music for Airports. Here's what he said:
The concept of music designed specifically as a background feature in the environment was pioneered by Muzak Inc. in the fifties, and has since come to be known generically by the term Muzak. The connotations that this term carries are those particularly associated with the kind of material that Muzak Inc. produces - familiar tunes arranged and orchestrated in a lightweight and derivative manner. Understandably, this has led most discerning listeners (and most composers) to dismiss entirely the concept of environmental music as an idea worthy of attention.
Over the past three years, I have become interested in the use of music as ambience, and have come to believe that it is possible to produce material that can be used thus without being in any way compromised. To create a distinction between my own experiments in this area and the products of the various purveyors of canned music, I have begun using the term Ambient Music.
An ambience is defined as an atmosphere, or a surrounding influence: a tint. My intention is to produce original pieces ostensibly (but not exclusively) for particular times and situations with a view to building up a small but versatile catalogue of environmental music suited to a wide variety of moods and atmospheres.
Whereas the extant canned music companies proceed from the basis of regularizing environments by blanketing their acoustic and atmospheric idiosyncracies, Ambient Music is intended to enhance these. Whereas conventional background music is produced by stripping away all sense of doubt and uncertainty (and thus all genuine interest) from the music, Ambient Music retains these qualities. And whereas their intention is to `brighten' the environment by adding stimulus to it (thus supposedly alleviating the tedium of routine tasks and levelling out the natural ups and downs of the body rhythms) Ambient Music is intended to induce calm and a space to think.
Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting.
September 1978
So, here's the first tentative step towards a Photography for Airports. Let me know what you think ... interesting, pretentious crap, nice photo, crap philosophy, whatever ;-)
captured camera lens focal length aperture shutter speed shooting mode exposure bias metering mode ISO flash image quality RAW converter cropped? |
2.53pm on 9/10/05 Canon 20D EF 70-200 f/4L USM 126mm (202mm equiv.) f/5.6 1/640 aperture priority +0.0 evaluative 100 no RAW C1 Pro minor |